Remembering that we are dust.......

by Thinking 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Thinking

    Today I was studing for tonights Book Study lesson. I got hung up on this paragraph. I don't know why but something about the wording just does not sound right. I thought Adam was perfect.....made from dust. I know it is crazy but this paragraph to me is saying because we were made from dust we have imperfections. Sounded like we were all set up to me. We are made of dust, we are frail and imperfect....I am Jehovah and I recognize that. Why didnt he make us out of something stronger????? grrrrrrr

    Here is the paragraph~

    Jehovah is aware of our limitations. "He himself well knows the formation uf us, remembering that we are dust," says Psalm 103:14. He does not forget that we are creatures of dust, having frailties, or weaknesses, as a result of imperfection. The expression that he knows "the formation of us" reminds us that the Bible likens Jehovah to a potter and us to the clay vessels he forms."
    (jeremiah 18:2-6) The Great Potter tempers his dealing with us according to the frailty of our sinful nature and the we respond or fail to respond to his guidance.

    What do you think?

  • HadEnuf

    I don't think about that stuff anymore. It just raises my blood pressure.

    Cathy L.

  • IronGland
    What do you think?

    How many Dwarves does it take to carve out Moria?

    What clothes did the inhabitants of Atlantis wear on their space journeys?

    Why did the aliens from Zeta-Mercorium steal Noahs Ark from Mt Ararat and secret it away to the underground chambers on their 3rd moon Zaorbastrium-3?

  • Thinking

    sorry Cathy
    but it just did not make sense to me for the first time.
    We don't have to talk about it anymore!

  • the_classicist

    Yes, we are dust, but we are made in His image thus giving dignity and sumpremity to the human condition.

  • peacefulpete

    What a previous poster was saying is that the Adam and Eve story is literature not history. With a little research online or in book form you will discover the reasons people draw this conclusion. The Bible version of the creation of man myth is not unique when compared to others. For example the Greek mythology has men made out of clay by Prometheus. The Persian creator god declared :"Lets make man in our image". While it may seem confusing now, by continuing your research into the religious environment that the Jewish authors were exposed to, you will find that debates about interpretation arising from attempts to rationalize strange stories disappears.


  • Carmel

    What is dust? Refined dirt? We are all carbon based, so what? If God made us out of the trunk of a tree, we would still be dirt in another form with a few carbon atoms for interest. It's all a little game the WT plays. Kind of like in kindergarden playing in the sand box pretending it was the whole world...


  • IP_SEC

    Hey Thinking,

    You are correct. The Societies interpretation here is illogical.

    Adam dust=perfect;

    Us dust=weak and fraile.

    See, they dont use logic, they take a scripture here and there to create doctrine that is inconsistant with the context of the verse and the rest of the bible.

    Some of the other posters suggest the bible is a fairy tale, I dunno, right now I'm at a crossroads and havent made a choice on that yet. It may be. What I am sure of is that our religion is based on lies and poor scholarship.

  • abbagail

    Making a simplistic observation here:

    Before the fall, the earth and the clay it was made out of was perfect, no impurities. So when God used that clay to make Adam, Adam was perfect with no impurities.

    Enter the first conspiracy, deceit, naivity by Eve, the fall, denial, sin.
    Sin affected the earth and it's dust and also the humans.

    Now our "dust" became imperfect.

    When David wrote that psalm, he was describing humanity in it's after-the-fall imperfect state...?


    We DO have to acknowledge our impurities and imperfections before the Lord to be saved, but once we do that, are forgiven and become His children, then He gives us the right to be perfect again. Keep in mind, though, that legalistic religions like WT would PREFER YOU NOT THINK ABOUT THAT PART less they lose their control over you. They would rather you keep feeling like a "good for nothing slave." So they concentrate on the negative (the sinful state) rather than the redeemed state of those who have taken hold of the gift of salvation.

    Think of those "pagans" at the Tower of Babel. They were not even seeking God, yet He said of them that "NOTHING is impossible for them to do." That doesn't sound toooo imperfect to me.

    Now, keep that in mind and add to it the grace one is given upon salvation, and wow, what are we capable of WITH God's blessing? In other words, concentrate on the power God HAS given us and NOT the imperfection -- already removed by Christ -- which WT WOULD have us NOT concentrate on.

    And I dare ya to bring THAT up at a book study, LOL!
    Best regards/ag

  • mkr32208
    Some of the other posters suggest the bible is a fairy tale, I dunno, right now I'm at a crossroads and havent made a choice on that yet. It may be. What I am sure of is that our religion is based on lies and poor scholarship

    I think what you should have said is ALL instead of OUR!

    Yeah adam was made from perfect dirt because after he f*cked up the dirt became imperfect... What hall do you go to again??

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