My cookie joy!

by Nancy Drake 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    I just wanted to express one more reason why I'm happy I'm not a JW anymore...

    Girl Scout Cookies! My parents said it was against our religion to buy them. I buy like 20 boxes everytime they come around.

    I think if Jehovah didn't want us to support the Girl Scouts, then he wouldn't have made Girl Scout cookies!

    ...Well, I'm glad I got that off my chest. Now back to my regularly scheduled caramel deLites.

  • bikerchic
    My parents said it was against our religion to buy them. I buy like 20 boxes every time they come around.

    I didn't know that! I bought them when ever I got the chance. They are so yummy!

    But then I didn't know that Lucky Charms cereal, wind chimes or buying things at second hand stores was unapproved either. My bad, oh the shame!

    Humm no wonder I wasn't in with the cliqueie sisters at the Kingdom Hall!

    Oh well......I survived!


  • Dustin

    I love the mint ones!!!! Girl scouts never come around my house though. Guess that's what happens when you live in the ghetto.


  • prophecor

    But then I didn't know that Lucky Charms cereal, .... unapproved either. My bad, oh the shame!
    Is this really still an issue, I mean, really? Were we just that hell bent on being so squeaky clean & odor free??? It's G'd box of cereal, for the love of Pete!!!

  • whyamihere

    I love the peanut butter ones....When the girls come I always buy from them. It gets me into trouble. Because alot of the girls come to our house and I can't say no so I buy from each of them! What are we having for dinner honey? Girl Scout Cookies!!!!!!!!!!!


  • HadEnuf
    HadEnuf I'm drooling all over my computer keys.

    Cathy L.

  • rebel8

    My mom also wouldn't make devil's food cake (made it w/o the red food coloring and demanded we call it "chocolate cake") or deviled eggs (demanded we call them spiced eggs....unbelieving dad refused, so she refused to make them for him any more), couldn't buy any holiday candy or pastries until after the holiday had past (apparently the paganness wore off after the holiday).....etc., etc., the superstitions go on and on....

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    The funniest thing in the world to me was when my mom would sit there at the door trying to explain to a little girl about Jehovah's special organization and why we couldn't support anyone else.

    The little girls would just get kinda a blank look on their face, thinking "Jesus Lady, I'm just tryin to sell some freakin cookies here..."

  • Gretchen956

    lol - yea you know a simple "no thank you" was never quite appropriate, you had to use the occasion to get in more field service time for the month!


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