My thoughts on hating the WTS.

by kwintestal 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • kwintestal

    Every now and then a lurker pops up and says something like, "I'm leaving this site because there is too much hate here." I was thinking today about hating the WTS, and you know I really do, and for many reasons which I won't really get into here.

    On this thought, I imagined the JWD (Jesus' Wacky Discussion Forum) website of 2000 years ago. I'm sure many of Jesus' new followers would start threads about having their hands cut off, being stoned and the secret backroom shenanigans of the Pharisees. And, of course, every now and then some lurker would pop up and say something like "You apostates hate the Pharisees too much! All there is, is hate here!" That's true. I'm sure they hated the Pharisees, and the dominion that the Pharisees held over the Jews.

    So, what's my point? The only people that you see Jesus showing any anger or dislike towards, are the Pharisees for the way that they treated, lorded over and abused people. For creating a burden that couldn't be carried.

    Why shouldn't we hate the WTS for doing the same thing?


  • boycrazy101

    WHy do you hate them? I dont get it. They dont do anything to you. They haven't hurt you in any way, so its blind hate. But for no apparent reason...

  • FMZ

    Kwin... Jesus didn't hate the Pharisees, he felt sorry for them... "Woe to you Pharisees!"

    I see no reason in hating. I think the things they have done are wrong, and sometimes outright evil... but, again, in the words of Jesus, "forgive them, for they know not what they do".

    There is no healing in hate, only love.


    edited to add: Boycrazy, they hurt a lot of people, and ruin lives. The hate, although IMHO not healthy, is understandable.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    It is not wrong to hate murderers, liars and thieves. I do hate the WTS. I do not hate the poor deluded souls in the WTS's clutches. Any sincere Witness has my sympathy. The leaders of this organization have my extreme hatred.

  • candidlynuts

    victims of ANYTHING react differently, anger, hate, despair, etc.. its not our place to judge anyones reaction to the things that have happened to them.

    i personally dont hate the wtbs. i am however bitter about how i was treated . and i've totally lost faith in the wtbs ability to interpret scripture.

  • kwintestal
    WHy do you hate them? I dont get it. They dont do anything to you. They haven't hurt you in any way, so its blind hate. But for no apparent reason...

    People can hate them for many different reasons . I have several very good ones and others have reasons even better then the reasons I have, but I don't hate individual JW's. Many times however, I hate the actions they take at the direction of the WTS.

    Jesus didn't hate the Pharisees, he felt sorry for them..

    I understand that FMZ, and I didn't say Jesus himself hated the Pharasees but I think that ex-Jews now Christians would have hated them. I think that hating is a healthy part of the healing process, but again not to hate the individuals but the deeds. You can forgive the person but the deed will always be unacceptable. This is what I'm referring to. Kwin

  • pepheuga


    :There is no healing in hate, only love.

    but there may be hate in healing. do you imagine that people who hate must always remain hating?


  • FMZ

    Kwin, sounds like a much healthier philosophy... I misunderstood :)

    Candid... I apologize if it came across like I was judging anyone... Everyone has their own path, and there is no wrong and right.


  • FMZ

    Pepheuga... no, not at all. I just think it is a slippery slope that some people get stuck on. It is my feeling that there are easier ways (but in no way "better"). Again, as per my post to Candid... there is no right and wrong... whatever works for you, as long as you end up with love.


  • AlmostAtheist

    I *did* hate them, but then they adopted their new name and logo, and I guess I'm ok with it now. I guess the honesty makes me comfortable:


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