BSOs on the Daniel book

by IP_SEC 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewYork44M

    This thread is bringing back some very unconfortable memories. I remember giving talks and going on "autopilot" when talking about the paradise. All the while thinking to myself WTF. How the hell do I get out of here without losing my family and my sanity.

    That was 10 years ago, have not been to a meeting in about a year. Still have my family - I am on a very uncomfortable truce with my wife. My sanity is still questionable.

  • blondie

    Sheri, you might find this interesting how the WTS originally thought the date was 606 not 607 and it did not change until the 1940's. Try and find that information on the WT-CD.


    Revelation Climax Book chap. 18 p. 105 Earthquakes in the Lord?s Day ***


    Providentially, those Bible Students had not realized that there is no zero year between "B.C." and "A.D." Later, when research made it necessary to adjust B.C. 606 to 607 B.C.E., the zero year was also eliminated, so that the prediction held good at "A.D. 1914."?See "The Truth Shall Make You Free," published by the Watch Tower Society in 1943, page 239.

  • NewYork44M

    Sheri wrote

    To the brothers worried how spouse will react, keep it open that you too love God Jehovah and are in prayer for direction and that your love is growing all the more for God and your spouse, this will keep in their minds that you love Jehovah and them as well and help overcome their fears that you dont.

    That is a nice thought, unfortunately has no relationship to reality, at least in my case. I could never get beyond the god=watchtower mentality in over 10 years of discussions. since then I have given up on both the argument and god.

  • GetBusyLiving

    :Like the rest of the JW's on this site it is not easy but education is wonderful, read and reason with your mind and heart, and trust in Jehovah and keep in prayer for guidance, as it gets easier each day to accept that you do have a mind guided by God.

    Very gracefully and honestly put, Sheri. Welcome to the board.


    I don't know what sucked more, this book or the Isaiah Vol. I & II. I hated conducting all of them and am not looking forward to this again. (sigh) !

  • M.J.

    The fact that this book is coming up again might present an opportunity to bring up some good points to the dubs. On page 178 there is a blurb where it talks about how the Watchtower Society's corporate charter amendment of 1944 fulfilled Daniel's the prophecy of the 2,300 days by restoring the organization to a right relationship with Jehovah. (see Daniel 8 for dummies for a more detailed description of this!). Now how nutty does this sound???

    Here's the quote:

    Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy! ([1999] pages 177 - 179 paragraphs 26 and 28):
    For "the holy place" to be "brought," or restored, to what it should be, the 2,300 days must have begun when it previously was in the "right condition" from God's standpoint. . . . Counting 2,300 days . . . brings us to October 8 or 22, 1944. . . . At the annual corporate meeting on October 2, the Society's charter was amended in an effort to bring it as close to a theocratic arrangement as the law would allow. With the publication of clarified Biblical requirements, theocratic organization was soon more fully installed in the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. . . In fact, The Watchtower of October 15, 1944, contained an article entitled "Organized for Final Work." It and other service-oriented articles of the same period indicated that the 2,300 days had ended and that "the holy place" was again in its "right condition."


    Ask a dub to read the actual charter!

    1945 Yearbook, p. 32:

    The words of its present charter show that the purposes of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society are: ...for public Christian worship of Almighty God and Christ Jesus;...

    Yup, this is before they did away withthe worship of Christ. So there you have it, the charter amendment which advocated "Angel worship", was the very document that fulfilled prophecy and restored the WTS back on track with Jehovah.


    it's hard to get this book [Lingle's Approaching Jehovah's Witnesses in Love] so you may have to order it from a popular book store (such as B&N)
    This is available from
  • JustTickledPink

    This thread reminds me once again how truly blessed I am to NOT be going to the mindless boring recitals called meetings... and for the fact that I didn't marry a Witness. That would have been the most difficult for me.

    I was lucky to have left at a perfect young age where I could work, gain independance, and make it with friends, etc.... I really feel for everyone who is established in their lives and families. I still can't imagine living a lie. It's so wonderful to have the freedom of expression and freedom of living a life.

    I believe this is our ONE chance at life, so live it up, and live YOUR own truth.

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