Ozzie's 125th Weekend Poll

by ozziepost 23 Replies latest jw friends


    W rongly T aught ByT he Slave

    -Their lake of humility,(governing body) never recognizing that they where wrong.

    -The Elders. Saying and deeds.


    -Too legalistic behaviour.

    -Despise of people of the outside.

    -The Faithful and discreet slave ( erratic inerrancy ?)

    -Their Collective Pope (F&DS)

    -Their (too) long-lasting ,not hurry to disappear so-called remnant.

    -The minus emphasis on Jesus.

    -The, how do you say that, predication bag?

    -Short cut hairs.

    -Holiness through the wearing of a suit view.

    -Their ?If you don?t have the correct view on spirituals matter, that is to say, the F&DS view, pray God , call the elders, read our publications, maybe you will be able to be enlightened again and delivered from the snare of the Devil?. So to summarize, the demonization of all form of though which is not ?Stamped? WTB&TS

    -Before them no hope, Beyond them no salvation.

    -Their Shilly-shallying, valse à l?envers, beat to windward way of explanation of prophecies .

    -The way there are shunning thinking abilities of their fellow believers.


  • mineralogist

    10. other - first it was 607 and second the famous " Isaiah?s Prophecy" (had the privilige ? to conduct them)

  • Kenneson

    10. Other

    I could not find the Witness succession claimed by the Watchtower Society. What group (there are a few that might agree in one or two points: those that deny the Trinity or are opposed to war) in any way, shape, or form closely resemble the Watchtower Society founded by Russell in 1881?

    Besides, Jesus claimed to be the Truth and when He ascended to the Father, promised to send the Holy Spirit to guide followers to the Truth (himself). See John 15:26 and 16:12. If all Jesus' followers had apostasized completely by the 4th century, than both Jesus and the Spirit were failures. While people still had the Bible, they were in darkness with no one to explain it to them until Russell came on the scene. Yet little of his truths are still accepted by today's Watchtower Society. What kind of truth is that?

  • Poztate

    The shunning doctrine did it for me. When I first got baptised there was a hard line on shunning including close relatives. Being a good little dub(and braindead) I proceeded to shun my mother who had been DF'ed 20 years before.

    Then "new light"? came out in 1974 I believe when a moderation in policy was announced. It was no longer necessary to shun relatives as long as they were not "apostates" I studied that article hard and looked up all the scriptures like a good boy and concluded this was indeed new light. I resumed a relationship with my Mom.

    1982 came along and the WT artice on DF'ing REVERSED themselves once again. Talk about BS.

    It was the week of the CO's visit and I was grumpy. I confronted him at the hall before the meeting about the"new,new understanding and he just shrugged it off on the basis that the new light is always right. I stormed out of the KH.

    A day or two later I got a visit from the CO and PO. I was urged to just humbly accept this new truth and "wait on jehovah"?to clear things up in my mind. I saw the real truth right then and there and got out. I would still be waiting on jehovah if I had gone back.

    Now I am just another happy little POZTATE

  • Mulan

    My husband, who was a very serious Bible student, and WT Overseer, began to see some inconsistencies with the printed page (WY publications) and Biblical references. He researched, talked to a young elder friend, who had read C of C, and knew Ray Franz, and the race was on.

    He eventually shared things with me, and after about three years of agony, I began to see what he meant. It wasn't an easy choice for me to begin to look at doubts.

  • BrendaCloutier

    3. 1975 ---- I got married June 75, and chose not to have children at that time, but mostly because I was young and wanted to be established before bringing them into the world, not because of the Big A, etc. Soon my marriage was too aweful to even consider children. 1975-1982

    4. Doubts, doubts???? what doubts? --- I always seemed to have some nagging doubts at the back of my mind since I was 11 or 12.

    5. What the elders did ---- Oh yeah. The Vancouver Central Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses was an incredible vipers den. Hypocrisy and elitism and clickdom. 1975-77.

    7. What the elders said ---- See #5. I was told that because of whom I married I was considered weak. I was also told that the abuse my husband was dumping on my was my fault and responsibility. 1975-77

    8. Something a householder said ---- When I was about 12, mom and I were in service and I had the door. It was a middleaged black woman, devout baptist who raised her own children, helped raise her grans, fostered children and opened her home to neighborhood children that needed a meal or some love. I asked my mom why since this woman was obviously doing true christian work that she would be destroyed at armageddon. The answer I got was because she had the opportunity to hear The Truth (tm) and rejected it. I couldn't accept that answer, nor fathom it. So I kept silent, as a good JW woman was supposed to do.

    10. Other (please detail) ---- When I got dipped at 14, all I got was wet, cold, and embarrased in front of 10,000 people.

  • Valis

    I don't think I ever believed in it. That isn't to say I haven't had some guilt associated with NOT believing in the past, but if I had believed it why would I have dreaded meetings and so forth from such a young age? Or dreaded field service? Now I'm just dreaded sans JWland..

  • mama

    #2 thru to 9, also 10. other- my biggest doubt came with the question no witness had a really good answer for: if all us unanointed don't get to go to heaven and only have a earthly hope, then why did Jesus tell the man being staked up beside him, "i tell you this day you will be with me in paradise"? No witness could give me an answer to this question that satisifed my mind. I mean, this guy wasn't a disciple, he was being murdered for whatever crimes he committed and Jesus told him he would be with him in paradise that day. Yet all I asked said well Jesus was referring to the last day, I asked show me where it says that, nobody could. I was told I wasn't thinking properly and was nitpicking, that I should rely on Jehovah for such matters. So then I asked how can the elder bodies be accepted as having holy spirit when the society itself says that one wrongdoer can take Jehovah's spirit from a hall? Or if one elder on a committee is doing something wrong then does the committee have God's spirit or not? Some concided that this could happen but said even if it does that Jehovah will straighten it all out in time. Too bad for those caught in the crossfire. It was just the straw that broke the camel's back. I realized they would and could justify whatever they wanted if you let them think for you. That was the beginning of the end for me.

  • blondie

    7. What the elders said.....lies, lies, lies.....

  • the_classicist
    10. Other... Doubts about the Bible and religion as a whole. Once that was wash out for me, the WTB&TS didn't have a grain of sand to stand on.

    I became quite an atheist once I stopped going to meetings; things just never added up in that religion. I have modified my position on atheism, however.

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