Things That Youths Hate About Being A JW:

by Englishman 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    Candidlynuts - No one is laughing! Crazy religion - crazy thoughts!

    Crumpet - So sad and sorry for your experiences - but i hope you will find that as you learn more and more you feel better and better... It's a strange thing when you find that people in the world are far better that those you thought were going to inherit the world!

  • stillajwexelder

    Dating - sleepovers with friends from your class

  • avishai

    The emabarrassment of having all of your friends look at you as your getting drug out back during meeting to get your ass kicked by your parents/auncle/elder sitting next to you etc.

  • cyber-sista
    In addition to this pressure to conform, is the threat that God himself will kill the child, if he or she should go against their parent?s wishes. The child is also puzzled by the parent?s willingness to lose them in this way and often concludes that the parents do not love him or her. How can they threaten a child they love in this way, or say that the God they love may kill their child? As a child I concluded that I meant very little to my parents. Not all Witness parents act in this way. Those that do, say that they are practising a form of principled love for the child. Unfortunately children do not interpret threats of his kind as love. Nor as far as I know do most adults.

    The above is a good paragraph and applies to everyone who has experienced the JW "conditional love" program.

    I wasn't raised as a JW, but sadly I raised my daughter as one and the thing she hated the most was not being able to associate with other kids. She was a good kid and smart too and it was hard for her (and me too) to understand why she could not associate with other kids who were truly nice studious upstanding intelligent individuals (Instead of most of the morons back at the KH) Several of the JW kids she grew up with turned out to be bad eggs and these were the ones who were supposed to be her closest companions? thank goodness we got out , but she does mention once in a while that it is sad not to have any friends at all from childhood (the ones left in the Org have mostly dropped her since she left). She is in her 20s now and making nice friends now outside of the Org, but I regret that she missed that opportunity in childhood... I regret that I didn't see the truth of the matter sooner.


  • ColdRedRain

    Pushing off hot chicks who want to bang you until you're senile

    being the fastest guy in school that can catch a football shot out of a cannon from 10 feet away, yet not playing on the team.

    being the brightest kid in school and not being able to go to college for something real like chemistry,

    not being able to listen to innovative new bands because they don't dress in a "Christian" manner.

  • diamondblue1974

    I was out for a drink with an old friend on Thursday night who like me was dragged up in the Borg...we discussed the very same subject and whilst we agreed that we didnt like anything about being a JW it did have a very big benefit on our adult life...and the general consensus was that we no matter how hard life gets would recognise a high control group and see its dangers and if we have children we will make sure they grow up with the self esteem we have had to work so hard to build whilst out of JWdom and make sure they are brought up with the social skills to be able to mix with others at all levels.

    Such things you discuss after way to many single malts!!!?

  • doodle-v

    Living with incredible guilt and fear that everything you say and do....someone is watching and judging.

    That your chance to "live forever" (tm) is directly tied to how many hours you spend out preaching and attending meetings instead of doing something you really want to do.

    Knowing that you constantly have to play this game with yourself and constantly lie to yourself about what you really want to be just to please your parents.

    Feeling extreamly guilty knowing that you'll never live up to the impossibly high "spirtual standards" that are expected of you.


  • Valis
    spending saturday and sunday morning in a suit...especially when it's cold.

    add meeting one of your friends from school at the door..

  • MungoBaobab

    Being referred to as a "youth," dammit!!!! Seriously, all the constant "Christian youths," "young ones," ad naseum. It's dehumanizing and demeaning to young PEOPLE. I think the only time they're referred to as people is in the title "Young People Ask." It doesn't matter if you're 3 or 13 or 23 (as long as you're not married), you're still a young one in the eyes of the congregation, lumped together as one big voiceless group.

  • Englishman
    Being referred to as a "youth," dammit!!!!

    It always tickled me, the "youth" expression. In the UK, the term "youth" is always applied to males only. It just doesn't include gals at all.


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