Why Do You or Don't You Believe In The Bible?

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    I believe the bible to be an inspired collection of ancient writings . When translated properly has truth in it . It seems that alot of it can be proven such as locations of events and rulers of the day . The bible has inspired alot of people to research for accurate history . I think religion has messed things up and not the bible .

  • lonelysheep

    I haven't felt the need to look at it since I stopped studying w/jw's. Growing up with numerous other christian religions, I was taught to believe in it as well as believe what comes out of clergies' mouths.

    So, to answer the question....I'm on the fence.

  • minimus

    Losing faith in the organization makes you question the Bible too, imo.

  • Bryan

    I have a bit of a problem with the bible. It says man in only 6000 years old. We know that's not true. Until someone can explain this, I have to consider it a great book, but not exactly a totally inspired word of god.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    For me, the Bible is a collection of historical books....some accurate, some not-so-accurate. Some interesting, some outright dull and boring. But within that collection there are "treasures" to be found for those willing to search out the positive and ignor the negative of those books.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I really wanted to believe it was inspired after I left the Witnesses. When I did a lot of research on the politics during the time the Bible was written and all the contradictions, the impossiblity of Moses writing the first five books ect. ECT.. I had no choice but to give up my security blanket and come to the conclusion that it really isnt inspired. Its an immensely interesting collection of ancient religious thoughts though.

  • JamesThomas

    To believe that the Bible is the word of God, because it says so, is like believing you owe me a $1,000 because I say so.

    Truth, is too present-moment-real-and-actual to be captured or contained within a book, or exclusively owned by some group or person.

    Generally I find the most limited and anthropomorphic interpretations and ideas of God (our Source) presented in the Bible; which is perhaps why so many find comfort in it, as it shrinks God down to a very familar and understandable commodity. We build a cherished and warm relationship and identity around this tiny idea of God, and are frightened away from the vast and intellectually non-understandable present-moment-aliveness of our Source and Sustenance.

    That said, there can be guidance and wisdom found within the Bible if we view some of it's stories as allegory for inner experience.


    by the way, where's the rest of my money? all I have here is my 2ยข

  • minimus

    James, I owe you $1,000??

  • JH
    Frank, YOU remind me of Jesus!

    How old are you Minimus?

  • Scully

    I don't "believe in" the Bible any more - it's more of an interesting collection of stories than a Guidebook? or Instruction Manual for Life?. But I know it well enough to cut through JW bullcrap. If the only thing that you can discuss with JWs is a common agreement that the Bible should be the final authority, you can easily refute a lot of JW practices as not being Bible-Based?.

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