Bizarre news story

by BoozeRunner 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigboi


    You are correct. I didn't factor in all that. I'll let you know though that in my original discussion ith LDH, we were not talking about the aftermath of a divorce(which brings a whole new set of circumstances). We were talking about two ppl that had never been married. It still doesn't take 20,000/yr to raise a single child though.


    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

  • larc


    Most people who are not married, live together which saves expenses. When they break up, their standard of living goes down.

    What it costs to raise a child depends on the couple's standard of living to begin with. Most couples are willing to spend what they have to help their children. It seems axiomatic to me that rich people spend a lot and poor people spend less. Nine hundred a month is not a huge sum to spend on a child. As I wrote before, why don't you make some estimates as I suggested earlier.

  • JAVA

    Hello Waiting,

    "I wouldn't take a million dollars for my child. And I wouldn't give a plug nickel for another one." Author Unknown - but had to be a parent.

    Only people who've actually had the delightful experience of raising a child to full adulthood can relate the monitary expense involved, imho.

    Excellent points, and couldn't agree more. Our son is going to Ohio Wesleyan University, and at $30,000 a year, $900 a month doesn't come close to paying the tab.

    counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • LDH

    Excellent points on this thread, Larc, Just a Thought, Waiting, Andee, ALamb and Java.

    BigBoi, please don't have any children until you CAN set aside about $1,000 per month. Can you do it for less? Yes. Many on welfare do it on hundreds a month. But those children are never exposed to a higher standard of life. It's your call whether you want your kid watching cable TV 24/7 or learning an instrument etc etc. I'm glad I ain't your baby's momma, no joke.

    COMF, you mentioned that I was speaking from the perspective of the 'payor, not the recipient.' Well, ummm, YEAH.

    There is something both you and Bigboi seemed to miss. I, for one stated myself and my husband sock away about $700 month for collegefor my daughter (PS she is also on my husband's health insurance not her father's). That's NOT covered by CS. You both seem to insinuate I can eat bon bons all day, while getting rich on my CS payment. I'm telling you bullshit.

    In addition, there is another factor to this equation which neither of you ever mention. In my situation, I have been granted SOLE custody, no visitation rights for the CP (think about it, he must've done something to piss the judge off.)

    Now this means, for the last 11 years, I have had 24/7 responsibility for my daughter. Why didn't either of you mention, the most precious commodity of all, which is time, not money. Yes, I have given of my time freely (to say nothing of the money aspect) for 11 years, and for the next 7 at least I will be giving constantly.

    You both insinuate that it costs me or any other CP anything at all, and we just sit back and suck money from the NCP.

    Guess what? That's why neither of you wrote the law or pass judgement on it.

    PS Larc, Thanks for reminding me I'll also have to pay for a wedding. [8>]

  • LDH

    Bigboi, it seems to me you owe every parent here an apology. Here is some STATISICAL information, non-biased (which you seem to think every CP is) that tells you how much it costs to raise a child.

    (PS--note, no extras here like braces etc etc etc)

    In case you don't want to look, it costs an average of $158,000 to raise a child. College savings wasn't even touched here.


    Gotcha. The above figures are in Canadian dollars. If you want the US dollar figures, (much higher) click here.

    College savings weren't included in these extrapolations either.
    So you see, Bigboi, you really have no basis to talk about how much it costs to raise a child to parents who know different.

  • bigboi

    Hey Everybody:

    Awwwww alright shit. OK. It does cost a bunch to raise the lil rugrats ok. Extracurricular activities are important in every childs life. I don't think they are essential, but they do help kids to adjust in today's society. The point is all that costs and I got that. It's true 900 bucks really ain't all that much. I spend pretty close to that just paying my bills. That don't include food and entertainment, clothes, gas the toll or any of that other stuff. Shit I didn't realize I spent that much and I haven't worked in 8 mos.

    Sorry LDH. I have to say I really didn't mean for you to take it personally, though in retrospect it's hard to really see how you could not take it that way. Hope I didn't imply anything negative about you, that was not my intent. I'm sure you are a good mother and a successful woman. Kids really do need alot today and that $20,000 mark aint to hard to reach when ya think about it.

    I'll chalk this one up to ignorance and inexperience.

    Thanks for y'alls time.

    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

  • LDH


    I ain't upset witcha at all!

    I only posted my personal experience, because when I posted about an anonymous woman in a NY landmark case who got about $20,000 in CS you made the statement, "It doesn't cost that much to raise a kid."

    I was only trying to show you, that unless you are a millionaire, you still have to worry about expenses for your child. I wish EVERY parent had $20,000 per year to raise one child. If they did it right, we'd have a lot more happy children. But then again, if they did it wrong, we have a shitload more spoiled brats.

    The only point I was making, it is possible to spend $20,000 per year, and be spending it on actual expenses, not just spoiling a kid rotten. I have to tell you, at least three or four times a week, I tell my daughter, "NO you can not get that--it is not in our budget for this month. If you want it, save your allowance."

    NO offense taken at ANYONE that participated in this thread....


  • bigboi


    The above figures average out to about 10-13000 a yr. Dayuum that's alot. I understand now. It could easily reach 20 grand with kids and all thier unexpected costs. Like I said earlier I didn't mean to imply that you were just sittin on your ass eatin bon bons and getting a check. I never said that, never meant to imply that. I hope this doesn't cause any hard feelings between us. I'm sorry.



    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

  • LDH


    no offense taken at ALL--I just wish you would've believed OUR word for it, instead of having to rely on a disinterested third party website.

    Ha ha we're ex-jws, we'd NEVER try to snowball ya! [8>]


  • bigboi


    Oh yeah, this one was low blow chick:

    BigBoi, please don't have any children until you CAN set aside about $1,000 per month. Can you do it for less? Yes. Many on welfare do it on hundreds a month. But those children are never exposed to a higher standard of life. It's your call whether you want your kid watching cable TV 24/7 or learning an instrument etc etc. I'm glad I ain't your baby's momma, no joke.

    I thought you said you were white. How you come up with a dis like this, yo? That ain't cool. I don't want no baby mama, so I won't respond. However, my wife and our children will be very well taken care of, thank you. I'm not a big spender at all, so I guess I'll leave it to them to blow my current savings and future income.

    I'm watchin you from now on chick


    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

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