Just had two elders stop by

by Puternut 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Puternut

    I just finished a visit with two elders. I had actually contacted the Head Quarters and wanted to see how fast I can get a response from them. I was impressed, from the time of my request to them in my house... two weeks. Not bad, but what posses me to get involved with elders?

    What inspired me, was the fact that not to long ago, someone posted a thread on the latest updates with Barbara Anderson. I was impressed again by how couragous, and intelligent this woman is. But in the end, she, like most of us are trying to help open the eyes of those who being held blind. Same goes for Bill Bowen, he is merely trying to expose and open the eyes of those who are involved with child abuse cases. So how can I as a person help open the eyes of these sheep? Taking to the average witness doesn't work, because I am df'd and before long figure that out, and that would be the end of THAT discussion. I can't talk to my children, because I have been labeled apostate. So who can I help out there?

    Well for all above reasons, I thought I was a PO and in that organization, I know a way to start planting some seed somewhere. Only the elders can technally speak to df'd ones. So why not present my story as to what happened to me, and how I was stumbled by the way things were handled with child abuse cases. Which that particular story I shall not share here, due to space. You can read about that in my Topic history. But these two elders, eventually will run across these cases, if not hear about them. And since I told them my entire story, and them realizing I had great knowledge of the inner workings of the organization, and doctrine, as well as legal issues, I had their respect. After all I had spoken at assemblies in front of thousand of people, and I carry my voice.

    Their eyes grew wide as I was explaining, why I had troubles with they way the society handles these cases. I mentioned that there are still two elders, in a neigboring congregation who are again serving as elders, and are molesters. Why isn't the organization doing anything about this? How can you as an elder let that get by you and do nothing about? They had the usual reply,, we need to wait on Jehovah. I replied with the question if either of them had any children, and the one that made the statement did. Perfect, so then if this molester is not dealt with properly, and is allowed to go through the loops and molests your daugher, do you feel it was worth for waiting on Jehovah? He didn't reply, he grew quiet. I mentioned I had read a letter from a sister who had a grandfather who was a CO who was also a molester. Found that post right here on the board and quoted parts of it. They grew even more quiet.

    I did explain, I was not trying to talk bad about the organization, but was merely pointing out that the procedures for allowing these molester to roam freely amongst the flock is plain dangerous. They asked if I had proof. I have plenty, and spoke freely from the 'Paying Attention to the Flock' book, as to how the loopholes make no sense. They mentioned they couldn't believe what they were hearing. I mentioned, that I know exactly how they feel. I didn't believe it either, and had to check it out. And that is what they wanted to do, namely bring the circuit overseer. I agreed, as a matter of fact you are welcome to invite the district overseer as well.

    But I must warn you now, once you dig into this, you will be told the same things I am telling you now. I have no reason to lie about this, because from your stand point I am df'd and you will take my story with a grain of salt. But you will know I have spoken the truth, once you hear the warnings for yourself. And you will be told, it has been handeled and the current molesting elders have the respect of the congregation, and no one knows. But the fact that remains 'I' know and so does a fellow inactive elder in that particular congregation, and left just like me for the same reasons. They were not to up on how many cases are currently in court, because they felt that my case was unique. Well not as you unique as you might think... looking at the cases in the entire US not mentioning the ones world wide and all belong to the organization, But out of respect for them, I didn't want to overwhelm them. I felt it was information overload. I mentioned I had other issues that we could discuss another time.

    So to end this, the leading elder of the evening, did promise to get back to me, when he send some letters, did some research and talked to the CO. I think I can believe him, he looked like a nice man, and was impressed with my knowledge of the cases, and knew I wasn't slandering the organization. As a matter of fact I apologized to the newly one month old appointed elder, telling him he must be getting an overwhelming earful and didn't want to stumble him. So please stop me if you don't understand something I am telling you.

    They both learned a lot. But I felt we can all plant little seeds where we can. I know we are hurt by what happend to us, but we can still be kind to them, after all we need to be here for them when their eyes are opened.


  • diamondblue1974

    Absolute job well done.

    I did a similar thing some time back; I am not DAd or DFd but I refuse to talk about the child abuse issue to anyone other than an elder on this sensitive and stumbling issue. The results i got back from them i could just tell they were not happy with it was as though the doubts that had been placed in their minds had not been satisfied at all.

    In all honesty though; i dont believe that it would matter either way because people believe what they want to believe in the end;

  • candidlynuts

    sounds like you handled that really well! i cant wait to hear what develops from it.

  • LittleToe

    Nice one!
    Unfortunately I don't get such opportunities

    Are you still in Hawaii???

  • Sunnygal41

    Awesome job, Puter!!!

  • ozziepost
    So to end this, the leading elder of the evening, did promise to get back to me, when he send some letters, did some research and talked to the CO.

    This would be a standard response but doesn't it demonstrate how they are not allowed to think for themselves or, horrors!!!, have an opinion? They will refer to "the Society" so they can be told what the truth is, as if they couldn't determine it for themselves.

    As you've rightly pointed out, this organisation has procedures which, instead of protecting the flock, actually do harm to the sheep.. Wolves in sheep's clothing, perhaps?

  • TheEdge

    I think what you've done is a good thing - especially considering how your words may be viewed (as a disfellowshipped person).

    I, PERSONALLY (if 100% sure of the facts), would warn EVERY mother in the Congregation that those 2 Elders attend, because as a mother myself, I would want to know!!!

  • Will Power
    Will Power


    Please keep us posted.

    They should be at least deleted. Maybe someone should get them to attend a worldly wedding - that sure brings swift WT justice

    WT justice - thats a joke

  • mama

    I think its so interesting that the elders said they would wait on Jehovah. If you are an average witness and you are found to be committing fornication they don't wait on Jehovah, they summon yer ass a.s.a.p. for a judical committee! After all, they need to protect the congregation from fornicators and unclean persons. Hmm, just wondering, does the society somehow think that pedofiles aren't guilty of fornication or uncleaness, they certainly seem to be dealt with wearing kid gloves.(no pun intended there)Such crap, the only thing they are waiting on is the shitstorm to die down so they aren't sued again. It is disgusting. Jesus showed loving care for little ones, come judgement day, i feel sorry for those who have failed to protect these innocent children. I think Jesus is going to whoop their asses. My best friend was sexually molested by her father in her very early teens. She told the elders last year and one elder had the nerve to ask her and her husband if there was any way she was being seductive to her father and caused him to stumble, at which her husband told them to shut up or he was calling the legal department at bethel and they would have a lawsuit on their hands. Her father was an elder at the time he abused her, he never confessed, for 17 years! When he got caught due to my friends talk with the elders, he was o so sorry.They reproved him and the pig is now back in service and even has sympthy in the hall. This organization is the complete opposite of what Jesus intended. "they have a form of godly devotion, but prove false to its power", that's them in a nutshell. I hope you got thru to those elders and at least brought them from comatose to semi-consious, but i fear it may be in vain, keep us posted

  • garybuss

    Isn't it funny when they have a rape case they want to wait on Jehovah but when they want a new Kingdom Hall, they rush home to get their hammers and saws and go right to work. Why not wait on Jehovah to build the new Kingdom Hall?

    They know if they don't do it, nothing will happen. Same with the rape case.

    These are essentially dishonest people.

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