This still scares me....

by Tatiana 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dustin

    Dude, "The Ring" was an absolutely awesome movie. I'm going to go rent "Saw" when that comes out as well later this week. I love movies that focus on paranormal events. It's hard to scare me, but I love it when I see a good creepy movie that does the trick.


  • Sunspot
    Anyone seen "Ring", "The Saw", "Gothika" and "White Noise"?


    I think we saw the Ring but don't remember for sure! Who starred in it? If it was Angelina Jolie--I saw it. If it's the one I'm thinking of---it WAS good.

    We saw The Saw (grin) and it was pretty good too.

    I thought Gothika was well done.

    But I was disappointed with White Noise. I think I expected too much.

    We haven't yet seen Boogeyman or Hide and Seek.


  • mkr32208

    I've got to say the amityville thing kind of pisses me off! There was nothing supernatural going on in fact when the police first asked him what was up he said it was the mafia... This was just a rich little prick who was into heroin and LSD and was a complete waste... These movies sort of glorify and attempt to justify him and in my book thats the last thing this a$$hole deserves...

  • BrendaCloutier

    The first movie was really good.

    I love good ghost stories, but I don't care much for slashers. The Ring was awesome! Really scary and no blood and gore.

    One of my all-time faves is The Changling filmed in the late 60's or early 70's

    Poltergeist was stupid.

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Try watching the last 15 mins of a Japanese horror film called The Audition without putting your hands over your eyes.

  • jeanniebeanz
    I am just a bad girl oops I mean kitty kat.

    LOL at Orangefatcat...

    Yeah, I thought Secret Window and The Ring were pretty good.


  • BrendaCloutier

    Angelina Jolie with Liam Neeson was called "Haunted" about a paranormal researching professor psychologist taking a group of students to a haunted mansion. It was good, but a bit hokey.

    The Ring was one scary movie! I loved it!

  • BrendaCloutier

    Regarding Silence of the Lambs... I've read/watched all three books/movies. Excllent thriller.

  • Sunspot
    Angelina Jolie with Liam Neeson was called "Haunted" about a paranormal researching professor psychologist taking a group of students to a haunted mansion. It was good, but a bit hokey.

    Thanks, Brenda, but I went and looked it up---and it was "Taking Lives" and was more of a murder mystery thing rather than supernatural.

    I do remember The Ring now, and it was good!



  • orangefatcat

    You know what other one looks great to see is "Constantine". I saw it advertised on TV and its going to be spooky.

    I have seen Gothicka, anyone seen Stigmata? Good picture. I also liked the movie "Taking Lives" cool story.

    I like Silent of the Lambs and then Hannibal and Red Dragon and also Manhunt oooohhhh they were good pictures.I think Anthony Hopkins is handsome and one of the worlds finest actors.

    Yes Little Toe I saw White Noise it was really good to.

    Fallen Angel is good too

    Oh heck I just like everything like that, like I said I am a bad kitty kat!!

    Me lick physological thrillers and physcotic tails.

    Well that is enough of my favourites.

    Love Orangefatcat

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