Sheesh, men. He's Not Going to Call, Is He?

by SixofNine 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    He's just "not that into" your truck.

  • jeanniebeanz

    You really had my imagination working overtime there for a minute, bud...


  • hemp lover
    hemp lover


    Did he at least bounce in the bed before he left you?

  • gaiagirl

    You know, maybe he's just not into you(r truck).

  • simplesally

    Maybe your truck didn't have enough payload.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    We are talking about trucks here. For a second I thought you were talking about yourself.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Sixy, some suggestions:

    Dab (not splash) some nice perfume behind your ears, wear flesh coloured lippie (not too bright or it will make you look like a cheap tart - and we all know you're NOT cheap ), wear an off the shoulder frock, low cut with just enough crackage to be interesting when you LEAN over the bonnet, put on some modest jewellery so it appears you like nice things (ie. your truck is nice), don't forget to use that 'come hither' smile which I know you have, and pop a couple of breath mints in the event you have to deliver a speech on the benefits of owning such a fine automobile such as yours. Good luck.


  • kaykay_mp
    Maybe your truck didn't have enough payload.

    heh heh. she said load. Go truck yourself! laters kaykay_mp

  • curlygirl

    Didn't you tell him it was- all good under the hood?!


  • SixofNine

    The bastard still hasn't called. *sniff*

    Beck! Thanks for the practical suggestions. I'll put every one of them to good use if I ever get another chance. I will survive, I will survive. I've got all my truck to give, I've got all my...*needle scratch* oh nevermind. Nice to see your smiling pixels again, stranger

    lol, this was an odd scenario. The dude really sounded like he was pretty much going to buy the truck sight unseen (the all black trim package is somewhat unusual, so it made sense that he was only looking for a truck like this). And when he saw it, he seemed no less sure, even though he insisted he didn't need to drive it. I really do think he was just uncomfortable driving it with his prosthetic arm.

    It's just all so bizarre.

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