my funny mother...

by mrsjones5 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    told me that she had sent me a package of candies and cookies. I got one of the packages today. It consist of two small boxes, one with a red bucket of candy with a red heart on the front with a caption that says "Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day!" Also on the front of the package it says "Happy Valentines Day from Love Grandma". My mother diehard jw that she is cracks me up. She believes that the jws have "the turth" but she's always sending me stuff like this. Can you say conflict in the brain?


  • JustTickledPink

    I love it.. that is hilarious.

    I decided when my mom invites me to the Memorial, as she does every year, I will politely decline but invite her to my Easter brunch party and our July 4th BBQ and any other CELEBRATION I can come up with.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation


    Yeah my grandma who has been a JW for 50 years invites all the family, who are JW's, round for a meal on every xmas day. She cooks a turkey dinner and buys party hats, crackers etc

    I think the excuse is because we never gave each other xmas gifts it's just a normal party

  • BrendaCloutier

    MrsJones, your mom sounds like a nice woman.... I'm glad she finds you worth sending (pagan) treats to.

    edited to add: Maybe it's her way of honoring you're being out...

  • jeanniebeanz

    Sounds like she still has a sense of humor. That's cool!


  • Brummie

    Your mother is great! You mean more to her than the religion. Yep, she's great!


  • BluesBrother

    Truth is, a lot of diehard dubs have their own little rules when it comes to celebrations like this... your mum sounds a warm loving lady who follows her heart rather than rules.

    Reminds me of a dear old soul (In this case she really had one screw loose but everybody looked out for her) anyway, every Christmas all at the group were greeted with a hearty "Compliments of the season, Brother!) her special friends also got a little gift and I had not the heart to put her down by objecting. BTW my wife usd to get chocolate and I generally got soap . Do you think she was telling me something?

  • Elsewhere

    Dude, you've got something good going on there... don't knock your moma!

  • mrsjones5

    I understand why my mother does it. She was an only child and wanted 4 kids which she got. None of us are jws but my mother isnt the kind of person to just let her kids go. She has told me often that even if I had gotten baptised and fallen away that she would not forsake me, though at times I have wished that she would. Currently I am the only one of my siblings to have kids, which my parents adore, and my sister is due to have her first child in July. So I'm not really complaining about the gifts, it just amazes me that she sends the kind of gifts that she does. Oh and I do appreciated that she does this and more out of love.


  • kaykay_mp

    You're mom is cool like dat. Are you sure we're not related? because my mother is the same way. I can let a curse word slip out and she won't bitch about it. I sent my 4-year-old son who is staying with her for the time being a b-day present and she was very pleased.

    Sometimes I think she's too cool to be a dub.



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