Why Is A "Non-violent" People So Violent To Its Young?

by steve2 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    If physical abuse, i.e. violence, is painful, degrading and against the law, is emotional or spiritual abuse any less painful just cause the outward signs are violent?

    did i say that right?

  • stillajwexelder

    Why Is A "Non-violent" People So Violent To Its Young?

    Because they are imitating their God Jehovah and not their master Christ

  • Honesty

    Why Is A "Non-violent" People So Violent To Its Young?

    Because they are imitating their God Jehovah and not their master Christ Are you sure that Christ is their master? The evidence obtained from all of their publications indicates that is really the WT master.

  • stillajwexelder

    well honesty my remark was tongue in cheek - Christ is supposed to be their master - he was loving and gentle - but Jehovah in the old Testament is violent

  • steve2
    If physical abuse, i.e. violence, is painful, degrading and against the law, is emotional or spiritual abuse any less painful just cause the outward signs are violent?

    A very good question. I've also appreciated others views and comments on the topic of the use of corporal punishment by JW parents.

    I agree that psychological scarring, although invisible to the observing eye, is no less harmful.

    With physical abuse you can hear, see, touch, smell and taste the literal punishment and its consequences. Anyone who has directly experienced physical abuse, including sexual abuse, will know how all senses are involved in the experience and its re-living. Physically striking and/or violating another person is more easily seen as abusive; hence, its continuance is all the more deplorable.

    The reason my question about the Watchtower's sanctioning of corporal punishment is important is that, even modern secular society increasingly views that type of punishment as an unacceptable way to discipline children. Given the JWs claims about being a peaceful, non physically violent people, their defense of using corporal punishment in the discipline children is especially appalling.

  • tenrats

    Still beat their children ? Is it because no one at the kingdom hall would ever dare to ever report them?

  • DHL

    As this is a cult, JW are refused to become responsible grown-ups but made to stay helpless and insecure kiddies who always need to ask for whatever and don't trust themselves. As such they will obey in any case, whether it's about beating the small ones or to even letting them die (blood etc.).

    Remember the story of abraham beeing told to sacrifice his son? Bible says he didn't think twice about it just obeyed! At the same time I remember that well known picture from the vietnam war where a mother was surrounded by armed american GIs and tryed to protect her child with her own body. She was obviously ready to give her own life for her childs sake. Now that's what parents naturally do.

    Natural behaviour and JW: A contradiction in terms.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Bible fanatics pretty much harbor the idea that they are above the law of the land. Its gods line that says spare the rod - so their "god given" right

    Just like other above the law attitudes .... Refuse to answer for their actions, refuse to admit liability, decide the future of others, manipulate & control emotions, blackmail, .......

    whats a little beating now and then eh? The chain of command and power must be established early for fear to be a factor during the teenage years.

  • DHL
    whats a little beating now and then eh? The chain of command and power must be established early for fear to be a factor during the teenage years.

    Sounds like my parents!

    What's your real name, will power?

  • upside/down

    The entire premise of this thread is INNACCURATE!

    Since when are the Dubs "non-violent"? They may not go to war for a "worldly" government, but they are indeed a violent brood. Not all violence involves a beating.

    The only thing that keep the Dubs in line is "Caesar"- period. "God" forbid the day they could do as they please with impunity. Look what they do now, they walk right up to the edge of the law with impunity. For a group that claims the Mosaic law no longer applicable, they sure look with fondness on the "maledictions" contained therein, almost with glee!

    They break up families, shun, mind f*ck, bully (JC's), gang (mob) mentality, neglect loved ones, scream and yell, give all to the bOrg while the family does without, rape the psyche, have kangaroo court justice, withhold education, violate the individuals civil rights, protect pedophiles and bad parents, outlaw anything "fun", etc. And this is toward children!!! Adults are treated even worse.

    I would rather suffer a beating and avoid all the previously mentioned...


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