How do you answer when the witnesses call at your door?

by jeanniebeanz 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • MerryMagdalene

    They don't come knockin' at this ol' door anymore. I live in a very small town, they know who I am, and I'm pretty sure I'm on file as a DoNotCall!!!

    But the sad thing I discovered last Halloween is that I was another DoNotCall list-- that of the local trick-or-treaters. I was all ready with my big basket o' treats, door to the front porch open, lights on, and wondered why all the kids were just passin' by on the other side until I heard one tell his dad, who had pointed at my house and said "What about there?", "No, they don't celebrate."

    "Yes, I do," I called out and they came on over. The woman who lived here before me was a JW and, apparently, had told 'em what was what. Gave me a bad reputation (of the kind I don't deserve).


  • Iskra

    Just moved to a new State, made the mistake of talking to them once in the front yard. They stop at the house now and again but we all play the "nobodys home" card by being quiet. Not sure what to say to them now that I found this forum.

  • seattleniceguy

    I haven't yet had the chance, but I'm looking forward to it. Especially if they are young people who might still be open to reason.

    I really liked FunkyDerek's approach. Talk about being trapped in your own lies! If I were a Witness and that happened to me, I'd think about that for a long time.


  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    Every Tuesday of every week I get my visit from my two favorite witnesses and neither one of them try to witness to me, I must be beyond hope.

    BUT, I've also never been called on by any others, and my mother has (we live a block apart), in fact, they know her by name, she chats with them all the time. What a waste for them, either that or they enjoy someone who will listen. My mother is so NOT going to convert, she just wants to learn about them. She's very nice to dad just laughs. They know my situation well!


  • frenchbabyface

    I really liked FunkyDerek's approach. Talk about being trapped in your own lies! If I were a Witness and that happened to me, I'd think about that for a long time.

    Right !!!

  • diamondblue1974

    When the doom crew call I make a point of keeping the tone of the conversation positive....when they mention about the state of the world i counter it with ' i think its fantastic the way the whole world is combining their efforts to help those in asia...when they mention other issues i also point out that its fantastic that british courts have ruled that detention without charge or evidence is a breach of human rights and thats also fantastic....they run away quite quickly to be honest....funny that...

  • baysixforme

    There was a time when I was really bothered! No longer. The break came when I finally came clean and told them just how I felt. I expressed my disappointments, my hurt feelings, my grievances and my pent up pain and anger (If interested please see previous posts). I expected that I would be disfellowshipped. I even called the elders and arranged a meeting at my home to tell them that I wanted to disassociate myself. Their response was that I should leave it!......and leave it they have for quite some time!

    My reasonings are that because, (and I don't mean this boastfully, only by their standards) family were at one time such 'sterling examples' of what J.W.s should be, ie pioneering, regular attendance, used often in TMS and service meetings, answering up regularly at WT study, on the platform at conventions, blah blah, blah! (All fantastic on the exterior) ...........I feel that because our congregation was in such a state of flux at the time of our departure, this was enough to cause severe doubts and concerns amongst the flock that any subsequent disawhatever would only add fuel to the already ignited fire of doubt that prevailed. Therefore I have been left!


  • baysixforme

    Apologies, I lost the point on my last post!

    I now live in adifferent area. Therefore when the JW's called after letting them know of my bad experience, I told them to put me down as a DNC. Happy to say they have respected that and I can now declare myself as a JW fee zone


  • ValiantBoy

    I seldomly have witnesses come by. It's been almost two years...last time I answered in my underwear and told them I had a hangover, but that my mom was a witness and that I was raised as one. THe look of horror on their faces was priceless.

  • Carmel

    The last JW I spoke with to my knowledge was a kid on the beach in Haifa, Israel hocking Watchtowers. He couldn't believe that someone who "knew Jehovah" could ever leave Him. I told him I didn't! He couldn't connect the dots so I had to explain it slowly in two sylible words. He was doing find until I used the word "organization". Lost him!


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