Sleepover at Grandma's and Grandpa's

by kwintestal 21 Replies latest members private

  • blondie

    If you really believe it is a cult, then I would not let any child be alone with them. Visits to grandma and grandpa only if mom and dad are there too. Don't underestimate the influence of the teachings at the KH under the guise of someone they love and trust.

    Most JW grandparents I knew that had children who weren't active JWs, made plans as to how they could influence their grandchildren to become JWs...after all they believe that all non-JWs are going to die. It has to be the right thing to do, to save their life!?


  • wednesday


    just to encourage u, u could be the one to help your parents out of the Org. I made any concsession to my children so I could be a major part of my grandchildrens life .


  • wanderlustguy

    I have a similar situation, I found that my kids started to worry more about the end of the world than school...i.e. why does it matter how we do in scholl if the world is ending anyway? Then they started talking to the other kids about "the truth" and before you know it they were in JW kid hell...all the other kids picking on them all the time, etc.

    Makes me sad just thinking about it. Don't let the org take your kid's childhood like the did ours!

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    tough call kwin

    I'm crying while I'm writing this cause these same people took my husband. and he is an adult. (with childhood memories)

    Sure he went but no one knows which strings to pull better than family. So what kind of relationship is sacred?

    If it will upset your mom, how about how it is affecting you? & mrs. kwin? but your kids? and maybe not today but..

    Who is thinking about who? really? people that don't want to be alone in the new system ? You're the lost one? If you can't be saved, then your kids? Scary.

    Sorry, I think Blondie is wise and knows love-bombing and its traps even if it is genuine and well-intended by some.

    CULTS SUCK and theres nothing anybody can do about that -

    doesn't matter who belongs THEY SUCK BIG TIME NO MATTER WHAT - THERE IS NO UPSIDE!

    (((( K family - all of it )))

    P.S. I think grandparents as grandparents are great and should have fun together - I just think the meeting thing doesn't have to be added - might start a "tradition"

    Why can't the kids see their old friends at a park or invite them over!

  • Eyebrow2

    I think you should just pick up your kids before the meeting. I know your daughter wants to see these kids, but just be firm and tell her that is when you have to pick her up, and if she gives you a hard time, then she isn't going.

    My mother used to watch my kids while I worked. She knew I wouldn't go to meetings or take my kids. However, she told me that if I had to work late on a meeting night and watch my kids, then tough, she is going and so are they because she isn't going to miss a meeting for me. I had three choices: 1. let them go; 2. get some one else to watch them that night or 3. not work those nights. I was able to pick choice #3, however, even though I am not a fan of the religion, I thought she was well within her right to tell me this, since she WAS doing me a favor.

    I wouldn't schedule times that your kids will be with their grandparents if it is during a meeting time. You may not agree with the religion, and may feel it is a cult, but I don't think it is reasonable to expect them to forgo going to the meetings just because your kids are with them. Just don't have them there at those times. Pick them up early, and it won't be an issue. As for them preaching to them, they should respect your wishes.

  • 95stormfront
    Bookstudy is on Saturday morning, and WT on Sunday.

    Leave it to J-dubs to kill a whole weekend.

  • marcosgarcia

    JEEPERS! You said it was a cult so why would you expose your kids to a cult? Yes I agree with you, you do need to grow some balls (your words). And man, why are you worried about everybody else's feelings? Who is raising the kids you or grandma? Step up to the plate and just say no thanks and take the kids somewhere else fun and have a great time. If the grandparents want to do the sleep over they must respect your parenting guidelines and find time for their grand kids outside of their ever so busy JW schedule. For Pete's Sake do grandma and grandpa really want to spend time with the kids or just indoctrinate? C'mon DAD!

  • Mulan

    this gives me a very bad feeling.

    I wouldn't do it. Not for anything. No meetings at the KH.

  • Elsewhere

    Don't feel bad about not letting Grandma and Grandpa bring your children to the KH.

    Politely explain to them with a statement that they will understand and may even make them stop and think for a moment: "I'm sure you would not be happy if someone tried to take your children to a Catholic church. It was your right to rise your children in the religion of your choice and it is my right to raise my children the way I wish."

    They are parents so hopefully they will understand and respect your wishes. There is no reason to open this issue with confrontation... but make sure you stand your ground. Make it a point to always turn around the JW point of view to your advantage as I did above.

  • Iforget

    My parents lost their right to my son when after a sleep over at age 4 they told him that there was no Santa. The tooth fairy is fake and that demons started these ideas.

    His father is NOT a JW nor was he ever. We are divorced and he went CRAZY when our son repeated what was told to him. Think about how freaked out a person would be to hear such things come from their own child.

    You will regret it. Trust me.

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