The Moral Bankruptcy of the Governing Body!!!!!!!!!

by frankiespeakin 48 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • confusedjw

    I think that they feel they are a part of something bigger than themselves and it's their job to hold it together.

  • frankiespeakin

    Hey you can leave a message for the GB at the official WT sitr thru the "contact us",,instead of puting you address put in you complaints. I turn my security off just incase they want to search my files heheheh.

    How about all you lurker go on over and give them a piece of your mind and keep your interent security on high if you feel intimidated

  • frankiespeakin


    I don't think all lying to your kids is wrong in every situation,,sometimes we really love them and don't want them to be sad or hurt and so we use what ever we can think of to be kind and we don't alway say the right thing,,I know I have.

    To all in general:

    So if the GB was sincerly misled themselves and had to get pyschiatric,,that would be good!!!! Give up this foolish obsession that You speak for GOD on earth to warn the people of what this mean old testimant God(Myth) will do namely destroy every one not under the WT rule as the annionted princes on earth.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I once thought the GB were deluded, maybe even crackpots, but at least they were sincere in wanting to help others. But I no longer have that illusion:

    • they equate being judged a sheep (ergo saved) with how well people treat/take care of them materially - What self serving god-complexed power mongers!
    • being able to own property was more important than having Mexican publishers use the Bible at the KH - interesting "spiritual" priorities
    • even more sickening was the double standard between what was prohibited in Malawi and overlooked in Mexico - Then they even hypocritically become an NGO for the UN.

    Whatever reasons people posit for the actions of the GB, I see one common imperative - Their wants and needs take precedence to those of others, and others are just a means to their ends.

  • frankiespeakin

    If the GB will lie to the rank and file in their care wouldn't they also lie to evade taxes??? Could they not move money all over the world and make it wind up in say a swiss account?? And not get caught by the IRS??? What if the IRS was watching them because they are a cult??

  • onacruse


    I think that they feel they are a part of something bigger than themselves and it's their job to hold it together.

    A very profound observation. Corporations become their own entity.

  • frankiespeakin


    I think your right:

    Corporations become their own entity.
    But I wouldn't doubt that many in the top got there by cunning and things will play out very soon as to who has control and responsiblity.
  • frankiespeakin

    I haven't seen any sincere repentance from the GB or other important "higher ups" in the other related organizations,,by being humble and give up the lie. Instead they let more and more brothers die all on the account of the GB cowardist to admit they are wrong aboout blood,,they are too concerned about their own skin(position of authority) and not the flocks.

  • frankiespeakin

    bttt for the latenight governing body members who read this thread.

  • frankiespeakin

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