Does Jehovah accept human sacrafice or not?

by gumby 87 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby
    You've been away, and I've been evolving

    Yea Dannybear...LT's startin ta look like a dang monkey!

  • DannyBear


    Discect this: Good to see you posting bro ..

    To funny. Just great to have a chat with you as well 'ole turd' I mean basturd.

    Gumby is gettin grumpy in his old age. Almost as bad as Farkel if you mess with his thread.......well not quite.


  • gumby

    Well yea! Farkel was my mentor dammit. I need to call that bastard as well as you. I was gonna call yesterday but called my sis instead and it ruined my mood.

    Go easy on Unc Danny. He was in the woods too long and was raped by some wild pigs. He's never been the same since.......he just wanders around and goes weeee......weeee.......weeeee. Poor Grizzly Adams lookin old bastard.


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I have no problem admitting that God accepts human sacrifice, after all Jesus was human. But, as has been pointed out several times, first I'm not sure that, this is the case here, and second as LT pointed out, I don't know how you can say it was an acceptable sacrifice to God. JWs sacrifice their children all the time (by denying blood transfusions) What makes you think God accepts those sacrifices?


    How did mom and the rest of the family feel who loved her. How did SHE feel?

    That is a really good question! Here is a better one. How did God feel when Jesus was crucified (or sacrificed) for the sake of His elect? Read Isaiah 53 the whole Chapter and think about verse 10

    Btw.....I'd prefer a dub answer in some cases over a hellfire god.

    Isn't that the kind of "reasoning" that got C.T.Russell, yourself, and so many others in trouble in the first place?

    As for the evolution of LT... He's been a big foot up my butt a few times.(luv ya LT)

    D Dog

  • DannyBear

    Gumby bite me.

    Deputy Dog,

    I think maybe you read me wrong.

    The tribal god Jehovah seemed to have an inordinate interest in sacrifices of all kinds. Abel's considered better than Cain's.......fatted cows, sheep, you name it Jehovah usually wanted blood and lots of it.

    He (Jehovah) changes his interests in sacrifices, as the years pass,based upon who is designated 'High Priest' ('governing body, faithful and discreet slave', 'spirit annointed') they simply tell everyone just what sacrifices are now acceptable to YHWH. Funny how that whole thing works eh?

    Current highest of the those able to walk into the' holy of holies' the sacrosanct, august body of elders, known as the Governing Body....tell jw's that the only acceptable sacrifice to Jehovah is maintaining your average 15min to 10hours or more in door to door work.

    Sounds easy enough. Accept those self agrondizing old geezer's who rarely walk door to door to tell the rank and file that this sacrifice involves their entire lives and those of their loved ones. 3rd 4th and now working on 5th generation of lives offered on the sacrificial alter of a multi million dollar publishing company.

    Somehow sacrifices a lamb seems more acceptable to me.


  • gumby

    Dannybear sarificing a little lamb with his big studly cornfed lookin buddy.

    Imagine......a grown man killin a little helpless sheep! Dannybears a sheep killer from hell!!!

  • LittleToe

    Poor lil baa-lamb!

  • peacefulpete

    posted so as to find later

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