What is the next flash of New Light?

by Pole 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • one
    no way, no how.

    anything is possible. A famous "Tower" in Italy was sure to fall because the foundation would not support it anylonger, instead of falling now, many years later is major tourist atraction.

    Creativity can turn anything around, specially if there is money to do it.

    As a FDS member said, the WT could "rationalize anything"

    They already eliminated the "generation", a decades old teaching,

    The WT usually wait as much as possible to change major doctrines or teachings, that's when most members are very tied to the religion, dead or too old to complaint, New membar do not even notice the change.

    Old or mature jw are either brain dead or too smart to act against their life support and long cared interests.

    Have in mind that most people became jw not because of the FDS but becasue of the "GENERATION", fearng a sure destruction that was "around the corner",

    Did the above change caused the WT to dissapear? ti affected somehow but jw did not even talked about it.

    the very fact that jw at present can not see the link between the FDS and the religion itself is a good indication that when they do change the FDS teaching no jw will notice or complaint for the reasons stated above..

    The Soviet Union not longer exist but Russia is still a major power... the only constant in this world is "change", other wise Catholics would still be burning "witches " and "protestants" .

  • TheEdge
    A famous "Tower" in Italy was sure to fall because the foundation would not support it anylonger, instead of falling now, many years later is major tourist atraction.

    That tower is MAN made, and MAN perdicted it would fall on MAN'S calculations.

  • GetBusyLiving

    :the very fact that jw at present can not see the link between the FDS and the religion itself

    I don't see how you can make this assumption. They would all have to be mentally retarded not to see THAT connection. The generation doctrine was a huge change but NOTHING compared with getting rid of the faithful slave, 1914 teachings. That's like changing from Catholic to Protestant.

  • Pole

    Hi folks,

    The very exchange of different points of view on this thread shows that the FDS doctrine is bound to create a huge dillemma in the WTS world soon.

    True, the GB members are only figureheads now, but JWs need those figureheads to believe they have a special "channel of communication" with Jehovah. That's what they've been taught all their lives. When the FDS disappears who is going to "serve spiritual food in proper time"? Who will issue new blood policies? How will you know you can trust the WT in doctrinal issue?


  • OldSoul

    Pole, that's easy. They have already laid the groundwork for that one.

    It will be the Given Ones? (Patent Pending, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.), responsible brothers who have assisted the Faithful and Discreet Slave? (All Rights Reserved, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.) for many years in the carrying out of this never to be repeated work of spreading the Good News to the most distant parts of the earth.

    For it is written: "And in the final part of the days, when the wickedness of men has filled the earth, He will bring a deluge of articles referring to the time when the rebuilding work was being done. And at that time, all mature Christians will be asked, 'Would those who refused to work along with the direction of the Given Ones have experienced Jehovah's blessings?' And lo, every head shall dutifully wag when that paragraph is considered on a given Sunday. So it is spoken, so shall it be." (Hezekiah 3:14)


    P.S. To any who could not find Hezekiah in your Bible, ask your Presiding Overseer or study conductor what page number it is on.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    I think the WT will change its teachings in a major way. They have too much money, land and control of peoples lives to let it all slip away.

    Getting rid of 1914 or the FDS or anything else will be achieved with little difficulty. It will like when Rutherford cast off Russell's theology and substituted his and Franz's theology. Russell's Bible Students and Rutherford's Jehovah's Witnesses are two diferent faiths. Whatever the Watchtower evloves into will be very diferent from both it's father and grandfather.

    The path of The Worldwide Church of God after the death of Herbert W. Armstrong is the path I see Jehovah's Witnesses following. More mainstream theology with tiny groups splintering off into obscurity.

  • Pole

    Hi Robert.


    LOL. You must be using the new edition of the NWT. That makes thing easier. But... They'll have to change one more doctrine. They currently believe that in the final days of the great tribulation - just before Armageddon the Gog of Magog will attack the annointed remnant, thus confirming the identity of the only true religion.


  • GetBusyLiving

    :Getting rid of 1914 or the FDS or anything else will be achieved with little difficulty.

    How?? Date setting was the foundation of the witnesses.. its the whole reason there was a sense of urgency, fear is the fire that fuels the preaching work and meeting attendence. That 1914 date still looms in their heads.. its like the last 'proof' that they have to hang onto. They might talk less and less about it (as they are doing with 1914) but 'getting rid' of it, I just can't see HOW they could do that man.

  • one
    They would all have to be mentally retarded not to see THAT connection.

    Your conclusion is about right, and i will repeat that most jw dont see the cocnection between the FDS and the religion,

    in other words i better say not the connection but the importance of such connection./


    True, the GB members are only figureheads now,

    Hi pole!

    you are probably thinking about daily operations but LEGALLY i think they are still on top, not that i have read the "bylaws", just going by what they have been saying all along.


    Getting rid of 1914 or the FDS or anything else will be achieved with little difficulty. It will like when Rutherford cast off Russell's theology and substituted his and Franz's theology.

    history can repeat itself, right?, Rutherford was a lawyer they know how to handle things, btw the WT is a legal corporation with a whole bunch of lawyers behind it.

    They might talk less and less about it (as they are doing with 1914) but 'getting rid' of it, I just can't see HOW they could do that man.

    How? you just provided the answer, which is a prelude for new light, history always give us a clue.

  • stillajwexelder

    No the society are numbers driven - so as numbers are not rising fast - 2034 will be the new flash of light IMHO

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