Are you allergic to something?

by JH 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Some people have to almost live in a bubble, because they are allergic to so many products.

    Probably there is a difference between being allergic, and just plain sensitive to certain products. In any case, are there things you just have to stay away from?

    I can't stand cinnamon It totally burns me up. I can smell/taste it 100 feet away. Perfume is another irritant. Spices also.

    I use unscented stuff all the time

    How about you, are you allergic or sensitive to something?

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    Bee Stings....I swell up like mad.... Bee

    Recently just started having spring allergies....pollen, that crap....I'm on all kinds of drugs for it!


  • JH

    I must be slightly chemically sensitive. Whenever I use windex or pledge or just about any household product, I not only smell it, but taste it.

    If someone chews cinnamon gum, I can't stay next to the person. I have to get about 100 feet away or else my tongue burns.

    One weird example is that I can drink coke and I drink alot of it, but I can't drink Pepsi. It will burn my tongue slowly but surely. So you'll never see me eat in a restaurant where they serve pepsi only....

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Bees and nuts.

  • sweetsevda

    yes i do have something im alerggic too n that im allegic too ibeprufen cause when i take it my face swells up like a balloon

  • Gretchen956

    Yea, wheat dagnabbit!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Ragweed, cottonwood trees, mold including penicillin, cat dander and lots of things. Allergies basically make me feel sick off and on all year. I have to treat them naturally because I can't take antihistamines.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Cat hair, and fresh cut grass. It figures I'd fall for a man who has two cats...


  • freedom96

    I am allergic to the Kingdom Hall, and all the activities that take place in it.

  • Mulan
    Bee Stings....I swell up like mad....

    me too.................I need to get one of those anti venom kits. I am sensitive to all insect bites too, and get huge rashes around the bite and swelling. It's great.

    Kiwi fruit makes me cough....................not really an allergy. I get seasonal allergies from tree pollens, mainly alder, and sneeze all day.

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