Your opinions.....please!

by Gill 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • OldSoul
    Gill: But it compounds our exasparation with them now, that money is all that THEY have been after and yet what we are accussed of being after.

    (((Gill))), from their standpoint it makes perfect sense. If they, being money grubbing, absent natural affection, and materialistic spiritually atuned and friends of the brothers of Christ, are starry-eyed for that "money" then of course their worldly son who has been stabbed over stabbed himself over with many pangs must be a lover of money to an even greater extent.

    I am very sorry for your pain. I don't think your husband will always feel the way he does unless his parents continue to refuse to soften. From your description, it seems out of character for him and once the pain they have caused subsides he would likely forgive them. When we suffer abuse at the hands of others, cutting them off from our life is not always an unhealthy reaction. If he needs to do that to cope, just be as supportive of his emotional needs as you can. Children aren't the only ones who can be abused in terribly damaging ways.

  • Gill

    Thanks All!

    What's really sickening is that because we're not ', spiritual wonderful Jws' like the rest of the family we are 'not good enough' to take care of someone who is a JW. Yet an old persons home, hundreds of miles from any family is good enough!

    None of it makes sense. It would seem to us, that they might believe that if Armageddon were to come tomorrow a persons best chances are with people they don't even know rather than family who once were JWs. This advice was in a letter from an old friend of Grandpa's who advised him to take the option of the Care home rather than D'Ad relatives. Grandpa said to us that this person was 'stupid' and he wouldn't listen to her anyway.

    But JWs, I'm afraid, really do believe this rubbish.

    The result, and old man wasting away in a care home far, far away from people who DO care!

    One thing we have decided on this afternoon though is furthur legal advice on helping Grandpa out as he is regularly ringing and pleading for help to get out of the care home.

  • jeanniebeanz


    I'm just steaming mad when I read this... (((Gill))).

    The letter from a lawyer is a good idea, make sure the lawyer knows that you do not want them to 'soft-peddle' the language.

    Your mum-in-law sounds like a real doozie. My grandmother should be living with one of the other children besides my mom as well, but mom won't have it since she is the only witness. For mom though, it isn't the money, it's purely the religion, in spite of the fact that Gma would be happier with one of her other children.


  • BrendaCloutier

    Gill, hon, I'm am so very sorry for the BS you and your hubby are going through. More espcially, what grampa is going through!

    With the written documentation you have, and the slander at the home, you may have a case for custody, maybe even full custody, and be able to bring him home. Just like the children in a dispute, the elderly also end up in the middle with the worst of it.

    A bible based letter from hubby to parents pointing out their un-christian behaviour might be nice along with the legal work. One sent to their elders and DO might push a button or two. Maybe not. But documentation of those letters sent might help legal matters.

    Along with legal matters, make sure grampa's will does not exclude them in any way, but is just and fair. This may help.

    Can you bring grampa home for a visit and not return him until the legal stuff is sorted out?

  • Gill

    Hi Brenda!

    I wish we could do that but they have full and legal control of him because of the paper that he signed. The only way to sort that would be for him to revoke that and sign one in our favour. We don't want him to sign anything. Now he has been diagnosed with dementia, which he had when he signed the form any way, what ever he does can be questioned.

    We have a plan up our sleeves though.

  • BrendaCloutier

    We have a plan up our sleeves though.

    Aw-right! Please don't reveal it here until you're in process. Who know's who may be lurking... But do keep us posted.

    Hugs Love and Blessings to you all!


  • FairMind

    There is a limit to how much a person can take and it is obvious your husband has reached his. His parents continued ill treatment of him is their choice not his. What your husband is experiencing is righteous indignation. More power to him!


  • GetBusyLiving

    Shun those Shit-Bags.

  • disciple

    Hi everyone! I'm asking your opinion today and probably venting my spleen a little as well, I'm afraid .

    Gill, I digested your story into my heart and at first thought : BE the way Christ would be. But I also recognize that some people have evil intents and cannot be trusted. I am a minister of a homeless ministry that deals with at many times untrustworthy people and am constantly trying to evaluate whether or not this person or several persons at one time are telling me the truth about a situation.

    In all cases Gill the word of God is the Word we need at the time we need it. (not the GB word) Jesus words and even more so the Mind of Christ. While practical suggestions i.e., letters, lawyers,loopholes,licenses,leeriness and just plain luck each have their place ( be cautious as serpents yet innocent as doves has very valuable urgings for us. I urge you as the Apostle Paul urged us to make every matter a matter of prayer. Our father loves you as his children and really wants the best for you, your Grandpa and your relatives. Ask the Lord to work out this situation for you and really trust in Him to do just that. The only thing that holds us back from complete trust in the Lord is fear.

    That may be fear of loss, fear for our reputation, fear of judgement by others, fear of failure, even fear that what we do is not enough. Perfect Love however has no fear. Perfect Love throws fear out.

    Jesus wants your relationship with him to be the most important thing He is in no way like the imperfect men and organizations that purport to propound him. Taste and SEE that the Lord is Good. Gethsemane like prayer will give you God's assurance that he is listening and putting circumstances into action even before you kneel before Him. I know you will be blessed by putting Him first even in every decision you make about your Grandpa and even ask your Grandpa if you can pray with him. Your prayers will give him peace and clarity. May God,s goodness flow through the Holy Spirit to you.The prayers of a righteous man availith much. You are the righteousness of God if you have given your life to the Lord. Taste and see that the Lord is Good!! He loves you and will never let you down.

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