What Do You Do For Fun?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • AloneinOh

    My favorite would be riding my four-wheeler down to the river. I also love riding my old Kaw and am in the process of building a street legal drag-bike that should be one of the top 10 fastest streetbikes in the country.

  • prophecor


  • chrissee

    watching all the good tv shows on Tuesday & thursday nites and getting to sleep in on sunday morning!

  • Mulan

    the casino about 20 minutes North of us.................on the Tulalip Indian Reservation. New, beautiful and it has slots that actually pay. Very fun. Good food too and it has an espresso bar.

  • devinsmom

    Read the watchtower


    Bible study (minimum 25 hours/week)

    Listen to kingdom melodies while out in service


    Try to avoid anyone not jw

    Drink, but pretend its not a problem

    Pass judgement on EVERYONE!

    Try desperatly to find a spouse, but only so I can finally get laid!


    Gossip about those weak brothers and sisters

    Lurk on ex-jw sites to get dirt on people

  • blondie
    I went to wedding dances".

    wedding = dancing in this area, non-JWs and JWs; too many Germans, Swedes, Norwegians, Poles, etc. There are places to do swing dancing and country dancing....I guess we are dancing fools.

    Now, what do I do different:

    Just more of the same, and now I go to R-rated movies that look good.

    I do enjoy not having evening meetings and having to get up early every morning including Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, I do still "review" the WT but that is my choice. In my active JW days, that was the only meeting I felt mattered. The book study was a joke seeing no one studied and answers were read from the paragraph, the school has been dumbed down, and the service meeting is nothing more than a glorified sales meeting. The public speakers are an embarrassment. So that left the WT, which is the only true source of official WT policy/doctrine/dogma; except for the letters the elders get which even supersede the elders' book.


  • JustTickledPink

    I have two friends that dance, one does west coast, one does square dancing... anyways, got to admit both of those girls have the best legs around. Dancing is such a great form of exercise. Good for you!

    I like watching 1-2 shows a week that are my favs, otherwise I really enjoy books of all kinds, and I do believe I am addicted to the Food Network. Has anyone else got hooked? I don't make half the stuff, but I do get good ideas and good tips and I have made some of Rachel Ray's recipes... they are so good and easy.

  • Evesapple

    running and cycling, I've joined a couple of running groups and cycle groups...met great friends.

    enjoy staying home with my family on an extremely cold "meeting" night, guiltlessly watching videos, drinking hot cocoa and warming my toes by the fire, or a Sunday morning taking a leisurely walk to the Starbucks and stopping off at the kiddie park so my son can have fun like other normal (non-JW children) children.

    going out dancing, drinking....

    celebrating life.....such as birthdays....having a surprise 40th b-day party this Saturday for a good friend.

    this list goes on.......

  • The JellyBaby
    The JellyBaby

    After jacking it all in, I used every spare moment in the evenings to train hard to make the most of the time I had left in my legs to play the sport I loved.Saturday evenings having a beer or two...and being able to lie in on a Sunday morning....no meeting or F.S!..

    Basically the life of any normal person.

  • minimus

    I wanna go wedding dancing!

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