god is dead

by teejay 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Hey, BearMan… much peace to you, ‘O Fluffy One!

    SIGH! Ahhh, Dbear… look, let me ‘lay it on the line’ for you, if I can…

    The easiest way I can think of to explain it to you is to recount what my son (age 19) said to me last night when I asked him to show me how to ‘play the game’ the way people play it. He said the same thing that my father, mother, brother, sister, husband, daughter (age 23) and some friends have said: “Forget it, Mom. It’s just not in you. You’ll never get it. You just aren’t cut out for it. Just be yourself.”

    What he meant, Dbear, and what I was asking him was how do I tell people what they want to hear… rather than the truth? I am sorry, but I cannot. I don’t know HOW. I have TRIED, I promise you… but it doesn’t work for me. Never has. Can’t tell you how many teachers and bosses that got me in trouble with: ask me a straight up question, and I’m going to give you a straight up answer. And I’m going to tell the truth, no matter WHAT you want to hear. I just try to do it in kindness and love.

    I find it funny that some of you don’t think me ‘human’. Do I want to be liked? Of course… I’m human. I mean, I would LOVE to be a name on a list of ‘favorites’; I would LOVE to come onto the board and slap high fives and have everyone say, “What’s up, Shelby?” But I would have to lie to you all to get that from you. And I can’t. Your ‘price’… is, too, high for me.

    It’s NOT me, Danny. I DON’T know this stuff, I promise you. I am NO different than you, other than I DO know who’s talking to me, whose telling me things that I never even thought to ask. If I told you it was me… I would be lying to you all. And I can’t do that. I am sorry, but I can’t. Sometimes I WANT to… just so’s some of you will back off and be a bit nicer. But… it’s not in my mouth to say, it’s not in my fingers to type, it’s not in my mind to THINK it… because it’s not in my heart. What’s in my heart is the truth, and that is what I tell you all.

    I know that many of you are not my friends and have no desire to be. But that is no matter; it is I that must be YOUR friend. And a friend… does not lie to a friend. If I lied to you… what kind of friend would I be? And if I lied to you about a most important thing like this, if I said, “Yeah, okay, it’s all me,” just to appease you and stop you from ridiculing me and instead like me… what would stop me from lying to you about ANYTHING… just to gain your approval?

    In truth, I don’t understand that way of thinking, Danny. I don’t know how to say something to someone just for the sake of gaining their approval, even if it’s a lie. And to be honest, that is the ‘game’ that people ‘play’ that I don’t understand the ‘rules’ to. For me, it’s like a ‘dizzy blonde’ (sorry, bad comparison and absolutely no offense intended, but just trying to make a point…) trying to understand football. I just don’t GET it. I don’t GET why you all would rather hear something that is not true… over something that is. To feel better? Lies make you feel better? I am sorry, but I don’t ‘get’ that.

    Anyway, Dbear, I have tried to accept everyone here… and on H20 ‘as they are’. But if gaining your approval means I have to deny something I am, deny what I hear, and deny who I hear it from… I guess I will never reach that particular ‘height’. Please know that I feel very badly about that, but those are YOUR ‘rules’… not mine.

    John 1:47

    Peace to you, BearMan… to time indefinite.

    I am YOUR friend, YOUR servant… and always, ALWAYS… a slave of Christ,


  • DannyBear


    Iam not offering or even suggesting any rules for you to follow! You silly.

    I guess my meager attempt at suggesting an alternative to all the 'god speak'....just seems to much to ask for.

    I just can't help but think, for one who can speak 'bible lingo' and quickly revert into 'home' ebonic's....should be able to mold the language to the ear's of those listening. It is not as though you have no clue, as to how the majority of listener's here have and will continue to respond negatively to your word choices.

    Seems like you choose to do it anyway. This to me is like 'adding fire'..making anything you are attempting to say, less powerful in the minds of your reader's.

    I think you can meet the challenge, I think you could very well, say the things you want to say, about your lord, without all the addendums. Was it Paul that said, 'when in Rome...blah blah'.

    If not Shelby, it ok dear. To tell you the truth I would rather read some of your 'god converstations'...than some of the negative bullshit that often splatter's itself on the board.

    So never mind me, you know I have the same tendancy as you...to speak my mind. Iam not one for the 'high fiving' and 'yo the man'....either. I would much rather know exactly who my real friends are, and know what they really think.

    So it was in that spirit that offered what I did.

    I had my say, so it's over. No need for you to even address it any further. Thanks for responding Shell.

    Your friend,


  • AGuest

    Yes, me silly - LOL!

    I know from where you spoke, DBear. Honest. Okay, how 'bout this... I will 'speak' with my usual 'girlfriend' lingo... but you have to let me give the 'glory' to my Lord. Deal? It's the best I can offer.

    Actually... I don't think I'm telling you the truth. I mean, I could TRY... but I would most probably fall right back into it. Hey, can't you just 'read between the lines' and find the love there? How 'bout that? Take the words at face value, for what it's worth? I mean, I know my 'style' might be a bit irritating, but... it IS what my hearts says, after all. Word. No doubt... and 'true 'dat' - LOL!

    I will try, Danny, honest. But I will not leave off giving the 'credit' where it is due, okay? I can't. I would be lying to you... and I like you too much to do that . Honest.

    But I understand the 'heart' and 'soul' in your message, please believe me. I know what you were saying and meant... I truly appreciate it... and I am glad that you know what I was saying... and meant. It means a great deal to me that you even bothered.

    Peace to you, 'O Fuzzy-Wuzzy One!

    Your friend and a slave of Christ,


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