Why does God have to be a Person???

by frankiespeakin 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    How can he be Mary's baby daddy if he's not a person?

  • frankiespeakin


    Yeah... I was thinking sticks and twigs and pieces of fluff and string and everything else you find in a bird nest. That one have me very "confused" for quite some time.

    So I take it you have learned to think out of the box of what a nest is.

  • frankiespeakin

    God(non-person) to me is responsible for everything not just the good but the bad as well,,with no need to blame things on a imaginary Devil who is the exact opposite of good and thorughly bad to the core.

  • frankiespeakin

    So far we have had promisies of an end to all evil from the bible but never nothing solid that we can say see here this prove the god of the b9ible is the true god of everything.

  • stillajwexelder

    Jethro Tull - 1970 - And Man made God in His image -God is a spirit without defined form

  • BrendaCloutier

    On a higher level, if god is all things, then evil is only one aspect of god. Think YinYang.

    I don't think I ever believed in Satan.... Santa maybe. I do, however, believe in evil.

  • stillajwexelder

    evil is an anagram of live and satan is an anagram of santa

  • frankiespeakin

    One Good Creator and an opposing Satan came to the bible via Persia through Zorasterism:


    Zoroaster's message

    WHAT made Zoroaster's ideas radical was firstly his revelation that there was one creator, Ahura Mazda, the Wise Lord, at a time when it was commonplace to worship the numerous natural elements as gods in their own right.

    His understanding of life was based on his realisation that all the manifestations of creation had to come ultimately from one all-powerful energy - God or the Self-Creator. His originality is further seen in his injunction found in the Gathas, that those who are listening should use their free will to choose their own path, that of good or that of evil.

    In this injunction are two fundamental ideas: free will and individual responsibility for one's own actions; and the concepts of good and evil. Good and evil are understood as realities encountered in the inner mind - the conscience - that appear to operate as twin energies, equally present and both exerting a pull over us.

    Zoroaster's message is basically that we should be aware of the struggle these two forces engage us in and know the consequences of following one rather than the other.

    We are told that to follow the path of righteousness ("Asha") or purity in thought, word and deed will lead to happiness ("ushta") for both ourselves and others. The alternative choice of deceit, lies and unkindness, namely impurity of thought, word and deed, will lead to unhappiness, enmity and war. Thus Zoroastrians are engaged in an ethical dualism.


    ZOROASTRIANISM has had an impact that is rarely realised in the Christian world through its contribution to the concepts of heaven and hell deriving from this ethical dualism.

    This later developed into a more elaborate form in which ideas were misunderstood and Ohrmazd (Ahura Mazda), God, was conflated with Good Thinking, Spenta Mainyo, and wrongly counterpoised with Bad Thinking, Ahriman (Angra Mainyo). In other words, God was counterpoised with the Devil.

    Associated with this was the concept of the Day of Judgement, at which point, on the third day/fourth night after death, the soul crossed a bridge, Pol e Chinvat, on which its good deeds were weighed against its bad deeds. The outcome of this balance determined whether one would pass through to the abode of eternal light and happiness or be plunged off the bridge into an eternal abyss.

  • bebu

    Hmmm. I have an alternate question.

    If God is the creator of everything, how could God have could created something 'higher' than what he himself was/had?


  • jst2laws


    It is called Anthropomorphism.

    Main Entry: an·thro·po·mor·phism
    Pronunciation: -"fi-z&m
    Function: noun
    : an interpretation of what is not human or personal in terms of human or personal characteristics

    If you would like to read an terresting book that discusses a realistic, scientific perception of the concept of God this try

    Science Without Bounds: A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Mysticism

    It is available at Amazon but you can download it free from this site.



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