C'mon were going to be late!!

by Released 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Released

    I just thougt this will get him a ticket next time this officer see's him on the street+I dont think he'll be converted any time soon

  • roybatty
    we had a borother Gung ho and

    Did anyone else have Sister "I'm an old pioneer who has to prove something"? She would witness to anyone and everyone. The best part of field service were taking coffee breaks. She would find a way to ruin this. Instead of just sitting down and relaxing she would start witnessing to the cashiers and start offering them the mags. (hey, had to keep her time going ya know). Of course the cashiers would be polite and accept them, which only encouraged her. One could almost see the steam coming out of the manager's ears.

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine



  • stopthepain

    Field service might have been the dumbest things in jdub lore.I mean ,it's not bad enough you have to act differently everywhere you go,now you have to go onto peoples property and explain how thier not good enough to live forever with you,good grief.

  • Forscher

    I was a convert. So field service wasn't all that bad. I actually enjoyed the challenge of leaving householders with a decent opinion of Jw's when I took my leave. So I was always careful not to overdo it when I could see that they weren't interested. That attitude actually helped me out on one occasion when I was pulled over in a bad neighborhood by the police who were lokking for an excuse to arrest me for bieng there. The residents of the neighbgorhood came to my defense and talked the police into letting me go my way without any hassle. I'll garauntee you not many other Jw's in my town would've had that happen!

    I know what you mean about the uncouth types who tried to really shove things down everybody's throat. One time I ended up paired with this newbie elder who'd been fast-tracked to his position because he came from a prominent family in our little town. He sent me to a door while he went to the car to give the others some "directions." I caught a preacher's wife at the door and it became pretty obvious that the conversation was going nowhere (she was trying to steer it into a debate on the trinity) so I gracefully bowed-out. Just as I was taking my leave, this full-of-hisself-new-elder marched up to that door and proceeded to get himself into that trinity debate that I'd just avoided. He handled it so badly that the next group of Jw's that showed up at that door got a request that the Jw's not ever knock on her door again. She told them about that elder and his attitude and told them that if THAT was what they thought was a good christian, forget it, she wasn't interested! With attitudes like that, it is no wonder that the "organization" is having a rough time growing!

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    u know this is why ur all apostates and are going to die at armageddon. because u all have such bad attitudes towards big J's means of helping people live forever... HOW ELSE WILL THE PEOPLE KNOW UNLESS SOMEONE PREACHES??? come on u guys, button down, buckle up, take ur morning shot and get out into that life saving work! Jesus Christ, noah had to build an ark all week and then go preaching on the weekend. he had to deal with nephilem for God's sake. the least u could do is swallow ur worldly pride and get out 2 hours a week. we should thank Jesus that he didnt commission the angels to do it... it's OUR privelege... let's show him we're grateful for it. c'mon gang, we're gonna be late ;)

    in a new york bethel minute

    im back baby!

  • Mulan

    Our boys had a bedroom in the downstairs. They tell me they used to wake up on Saturday mornings and hope we wouldn't wake them up. I used to call to them through the heat register about 8:30, and they would always pretend to be asleep, so I had to go down there and make them get up. We had the meeting at our house, so none of us could really get out of it. We went most Saturdays, and many Sundays too. I do remember getting everyone up early a few times, and leaving before the meeting for service, when Dave had to work on Saturday. They got right up for that.

    Awful to think back on field service. What a waste.

  • kaykay_mp
    Did anyone else have Sister "I'm an old pioneer who has to prove something"? She would witness to anyone and everyone. The best part of field service were taking coffee breaks. She would find a way to ruin this. Instead of just sitting down and relaxing she would start witnessing to the cashiers and start offering them the mags. (hey, had to keep her time going ya know). Of course the cashiers would be polite and accept them, which only encouraged her. One could almost see the steam coming out of the manager's ears.

    I hated it when my grandma did that, at a drive-thru window. She wouldn't even allow me to eat whatever we got until she got done, or until enough cars honked behind her. The cashier would give her that, "yeah, that's nice, hurry the hell up" look.



  • candidlynuts

    there were 6 kids in our family.. we were never late..mom was really organized.. i remember once we were running late because of one emergency after another ( run in hose, kid getting dirty, animals needing something) and dad said " we're so late maybe we should just stay home" everyone in the house froze , then laughed cuz it really was a hectic morning rushing here and there on our one day off from school and work(cuz sunday was meeting day and we never missed that), and we STAYED HOME! it was a great saturday! full of cartoons, yard work, housework, play.. you know. those normal things we missed out on other saturdays. as we kids got older there were more saturdays like that. i think we learned something from that one day.

  • freedom96

    It would be just pure torture to have to go out in service these days. Didn't like it then either, but can't even imagine it now.

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