W.T. will use Tsunami disaster to "prove" end is coming soon.

by hubert 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert

    I believe that the Watchtower Society will use the Tsunami disaster to "pump up" the fear factor for Armaghedon coming soon. What better way to keep the flock moving in a positive direction?

    They know book sales are down, and so is recruitment. They need to put the fear in the flock to get them to push harder and bring up book sales, and recruitment activities, plus keep all the j-dubs on their toes.

    What better way than to re-install fear of the end (again)? The Tsunami disaster will be a boon to the Watchtower Org.

    So, keep your eye on their new issues of the Watchtowwer and Awake magazines and let me know if MY "predictions" are right on.

    What do you think?


  • blondie

    Since WTS considers the Awake a news magazine with explanations of how the Bible applies, I wouldn't be surprised if there was an article in it. (see articles on 911 in the past). The pattern with the WTS will be the same as with 911 too.

  • all_forgiving

    Perhaps this with be the first prediction to come true.

    Maybe the JW faithfull will pull off the blinders once they see how the rest of the world cares for each other and that Hope is still alive. When 2 waring factions in India put aside their differences and said we truely are one. That to me is a sign of hope and of good things to come.

  • under74

    yeah, I wouldn't be surprised to see them use this either. They use anything from natural disaster to man made disaster to the possibility of peace as a sign for the end.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Maybe the JW faithfull will pull off the blinders once they see how the rest of the world cares for each other and that Hope is still alive. When 2 waring factions in India put aside their differences and said we truely are one. That to me is a sign of hope and of good things to come.

    I wouldn't get my hopes too high waiting for this to happen, all. They will focus on the 'bad news' here, so as to get unwary householders to listen to the 'kingdom hope' -

    Just my Opinion


  • Funchback

    A day or two after the earthquake/tsunami occurred, I ran into a JW at the supermarket.....FYI-I haven't been to a meeting in nearly 18 months.....Anyway, she said that God's prophecies about earthquakes, and what just occurred in Asia, should really make us think about how we are truly living in the "last days".

    I know that is only one JW opinion, but, I imagine that this is probably how the majority of JWs feel.

  • roybatty

    If I were a JW and were watching the news footage on CNN about the world's relief effort to help the victoms I would probably wonder a few things. First and foremost (of course) were any brothers hurt or killed. Two, what is the Society doingto help (they'll probably put some kind of spin on it). And three, why in the world is Satan's pawns helping these people?

    Things that make you go hmmm...

  • eyeslice

    Too right there will be an Awake article on it - in about 6 months time.

    You have to understand how long in advance the articles are prepared. Each article is submitted the Brooklyn and then "editorial suggestions" are made and it is sent back to the Awake Correspondent. This process goes on several times before the final article is approved. Then because the magazines are published simultaneously in many languages, there is a further delay before the article get to press.

    You can also bet the article will not conclude with a list of 'worldy' charities that readers can make donations to.


  • Sunspot

    Yes, of course they will. It's just another episode as with 9-1-1 that makes their eyes light up with glee at the suffering of fellow humans.

    Bottom-feeding creeps!

    Annie...who cannot believe I spent 30 years with them and buying into their sick thinking.

  • seattleniceguy

    all_forgiving - Welcome to the board!

    I agree with your interpretation, though I don't think many Witnesses will be able to see it. Personally, I've been astounded by the immense outpouring of aid. If anything, this disaster has showed how much people care about each other.

    I was talking to a friend last night about the role of technology in this disaster. You know how the WT always poo-poos human achievements like science and technology. But think about how different this disaster would have been without things like telephones, satelites, the Internet, cell phones, planes, helicopters, and so on.

    First, we wouldn't have heard about the disaster for another month. Aid to the region would have been greatly delayed. Lack of mass media would have made it impossible for a mass outpouring of aid from the public. Rescue operations would have been limited and primitive. Aid supplies would not be delivered quickly. Without proper communications equipment, administration would be a nightmare.

    In short, humans are handling this disaster as well as they are because of the progress we have made, and because we are basically caring people, two realities that go completely contrary to WT tenets.


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