The Top 3 Things A Witness Can Never Understand

by metatron 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    Let me add a few more things.

    4: That there's no dichotomy of "Worshippers of God vs Worshippers of Other Gods" When i tell my friends and who are still in that I simply worship nothing, they draw blank faces. They think you worship a God no matter what you tell them. There have been godless societies before ours and there will be godless societies after ours.

    5: That perhaps there can be a counterpoint to their points.

    6: That they always come off as arrogant blowhards.

  • justhuman

    Nice topic

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I celebrate Christmas, and I've never once told my children there is a Santa Claus.

    I was born in Missouri Bob, show me where in the Bible celebration of Christmas, or birthdays, or Easter, or Thanksgiving is expressly forbidden.

  • little1

    I was never a JW, but I was a fire-breathing fundamentalist Christian for a while, and I too, celebrated Christmas, but told my kids from the get-go that Santa Claus was just the spirit of giving, and not a real entity. I was concerned that they would think when they found out that he wasn't real, that God, whom they couldn't see either, wasn't real either. They are grown now and don't seem to be scarred for life. It also made explaining to them why we were buying Christmas presents for the poor children easier. I heard of a woman who took her 6 year old kid to do that and he asked her-"So, what's the deal with Santa? Doesn't he like poor kids?" I would be hard pressed to come upwith an answer for that one!

    But over all my philosophy is live and let live. Just because that was my decision doesn't meant everyone should do it. It just felt right for me, and I caustioned my kids not to go spreading it around that there was no real Santa, because it might ruin some people's Christmas. Not everyone believes the way we do.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question............(??)


  • SheilaM

    No more nylons HMMMMM I do love that

  • orangefatcat

    Mindless manipulation of the fear of God, when the fear of God is in the heart and not the mind...aka brainwashing.


    The Bible

    These three choices are that of my son Richard.....


  • orangefatcat

    My chocies are:

    they have no concept of true uncondional love..

    they can never understand the depth of human emotions

    they will never understand what it means to be truthful in all things.

    that the Governing Body is not working for your best interests its only theirs and their confounded belief network.

    they don't know what it means to have a crushed spirit. ie. mental breakdowns and illnesses. they lack sympathy.


    I know its six but I just can't help myself....

    as al ways Ofc

  • Goldminer


    2.The book of revelation


  • PointBlank

    IMO, the top 3 things a witness will never understand are:

    1. The truth is a person (the Lord Jesus), and it is ONLY by acceptance of this person, preceeded by repentance (not just intellectually) that one can become a child of God. For this to be reality, one must see themselves as God sees them.

    2. Salvation is real and a person can know they have it. But it is not found and can not be given by, earned, stolen, or coerced from ANY religion. IOW's, no religion or practice thereof is going to save anyone, period.

    3. Mankind will be judged by how they treat Christ's brothers (they got that part right), but there's no human way of knowing exactly who these individuals are. Hence, Jesus' words to love your neighbor as yourself. Love never fails. (JW's conditional love doesn't meet the standard).


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