Why Can't Everyday Be Like Christmas?

by Golf 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Golf

    I had been a week-end radio DJ a few years back and every time this year I would play Elvis's song, "Why Can't Everyday Be Like Christmas." I found it strange that many radio stations wouldn't play this record. Here was a JW playing a Christmas song while the believing Christmas radio stations wouldn't!

    I brought this up at the coffee shop this morning and one contributor said, "its to true." Yes, when you listen to the lyrics it touches home. It would be a different world if people practiced human kindness, goodness and fellow feeling on a daily basis, why only Christmas? Are people really interested in peace and goodwill?

    Being a DJ was just a hobby. In the course of those years I collected over 3000 45's and have them on file. Before my mom became a full fledged witness we celebrated Christmas, playing the record brought back memories.

    Happy holidays everyone.


  • Golf

    Has ANYONE heard this song? Wow, what kind of JW's were you? I got to do lots of things as a witness, but you guys seem like you were in a concentration camp. Are you sure we were in the same religion?


  • Joyzabel

    didn't like Elvis.

  • Golf

    Joyz, whomever your favorite singer may be, its the lyrics you have to hear, especially at this time of the year.


    If everyday were like Christmas,I`d be friggin broke..LOL!...OUTLAW

  • lurk

    id be on prozac if my family tried to be stay in the same house every day on the year


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Red West wrote the song that Elvis recorded:

    If Every Day Was Like Christmas Lyrics
    Artist(Band):Elvis Presley

    Review The Song (0)Print the Lyrics

    If Every Day Was Like Christmas Lyrics

    (words & music by Red West)
    I hear the bells
    Saying Christmas is near
    They ring out to tell the world
    That this is the season of cheer

    I hear a choir
    Singing sweetly somewhere
    And a glow fills my heart
    I'm at peace with the world
    As the sound of their singing fills the air

    Oh why can't every day be like Christmas
    Why can't that feeling go on endlessly
    For if everyday could be just like Christmas
    What a wonderful world this would be

    I hear a child
    Telling Santa what to bring
    And the smile upon his tiny face
    Is worth more to me than anything

    I had been a week-end radio DJ a few years back and every time this year I would play Elvis's song

    How nice to have done that, Golf, and nice little anecdote too! Happy Holidays to you also.

  • bem

    I liked Elvis but don't recall the song, so thanks SIACN for posting the lyrics, I see why it would be sweet to hear. and how memories do come back.

    Merry Christmas Golf and have a great New Year.


  • Golf

    Thanks Bem & Seeitall. As the radio DJ I had full reins what music to play. It was an an interesting experience, but I had to move on.

    Enjoy your holidays and good health to you.


  • Tyre

    Santa need more Robotics Machine to produce toyz for kids and also Big Bucks to buy raw materials.

    Merry Christmas

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