My parents rejected my invitation - because of the tree

by GermanXJW 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • GermanXJW

    Thanks for your kind replies.

    Well, we bought 1.5kg cheese and other things. Now we can see how we consume these amounts... :-O

  • Gill

    He, he!! Let the festivities begin!!

  • GermanXJW

    This year I also wrote my first Christmas Card. I send it to my uncle, my mother's brother. Like my mother he was raised as a JW (at least by my granny). He never got baptized and faded in his early years and married a "worldly" woman.

    I only remember him when he came to lunch to my granny because his work was located nearby. The last time I saw him and his family was at my granny's funeral. He and his family were the only one bowing down their heads at the coffin...

    There was no other contact whatsoever between my uncle and my mother.

    I wonder if I will see any reaction to my card.

  • Scully

    Hi GermanXJW:

    My parents also refuse to visit our home anymore because of our tree and decorations. But they do go to my brothers' homes - the ones who never were baptized - even though they have the home decorated for Christmas and have a Christmas tree. The last Christmas we celebrated as a family, when I was a child, was in my grandmother's home. My parents were just newly baptized JWs - but there was no problem with them having a Christmas tree.

    They gave us a surprise visit a few years ago and saw the tree and only stayed a short time and then left to go to my JW brother's house, even though I had invited them to stay for a meal.

    Really it is their choice and their loss. It means more cheese for you.

    Love, Scully

  • Redneckgurl

    Hi! I always wanted to go to Germany! Took 3 years of German in High School..........another story............

    ((((((HUGS))))))) U needed that. I know how it feels, my mom came around a bit to see the kids before the tree, and after, she avoided us like the plague, like she would be infested with a demon if she stepped on the property or something. Hmmm, we are doing just fine! LOL

    They just can't see the double standard, the hypocrisy, just remember that. At one time, you couldn't either. It does get easier though. I didn't think it would, but like you, my spouse is also there with me, and we support eachother. We finally have some friends we can hang out with on Xmas day, that night. It will be pretty cool.

    Merry Christmas! Hug your wife and your kids, they LOVE you!


  • xjw_b12

    GXJW Sad to hear this. However it is hard to break ingrained superstitions. And that is what the rejection of Christmas is to JWs. A superstition and a phobia. Explain to your parents that this is the first year for the tree, and it will not be the last, so they might as well get over it sooner rather than later.

    xjw_b12, who took a few years after fading to put up a tree.

    Singing a "Merry Christmas" to you and your family....

  • blondie

    To GermanXJW and family

    We like cheese....Blondie and Irreverent

    Just give it took 3 years for us to ease into it.

  • shotgun

    Thats too bad for your kids Germanxjw

    But on the other hand it was an issue: I had my parents invited on Dec 24th and they had accepted the invitation. They are JW but have not attendend meeting for some years.

    Its a trigger response which they havn't been able to break yet, don't beat yourself or them up over it....patience is a virtue...I read that on a bumper sticker.

    Maybe next year have them over before the tree goes up or after it comes out a solution to benefit all and you'll feel better.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours

  • observador

    don't back down and don't be too upset. That's the way it is, unfortunately!

    This just shows how a mind, once controlled, takes quite some time to go back to normal.


  • GermanXJW

    Thanks for the nice wishes. May you have a great X-mas, too.

    Concerning mind-control: my mother told me, now I let my mind be controlled by the Catholics because of the tree...


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