Repost - Disturbing Assembly Program - Obey Organizational Direction

by truthseeker 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Thanks for posting this thread!! The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society has brilliantly made loyalty to the non-existent "Slave" a requirement. If Witnesses could figure out that the "slave" is simply a parable, their "loyalty" would quickly end!

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Elsewhere, I think you should email that scan to Dr. Phil - No sense him trying to weigh tearful, heart wrenching stories from disgruntled members - let the vomit stink directly from the dictator's pen!


  • Emma

    I used to "understand" the shunning from my family as part of their faith. When I see how the wts is such a destructive, mind-controlling cult, my anger rises again. They've taken my family! Most of the time I'm able to deal with the loss, but the unnecessity of it all is at times overwhelming.

    My family are the ones that would drink the Kool-ade without asking the flavor.

    Though I'm not da'd or diffed, by my own actions of inactivity, I am considered as such and am shunned.


  • willyloman

    Mary: I'd actually GO to hear that assembly "program." Nice work. Very funny and insightful.

  • Fleur

    ROFLMAO Mary! Bravo! *Standing Ovation*

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    have now left the truth and are a dim memory in the minds of those who know them

    Nina and I were talking about this a few weeks ago. Honestly, I don't remember most of those Witnesses we used to be so close to. I had to work really hard just to remember who my old pioneer partner was.

    Sometimes it's all in how you look at things.

  • Buck

    has this circuit assembly happened in alabama yet? I would like to hear this for myself.

  • FairMind

    Where's Alabama?

  • lonelysheep

    Manipulation is the key to getting members to obey. And that steady reinforcement brainwashing that they are god's org.

  • Brummie
    jfischer --- okay, totally didn't know

    I thought that was kinda funny, welcome aboard! roflmao Mary

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