Follow the Star All the Way to Bethlehem

by Schizm 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rabbit

    Schisms = divisions

    Thanks for acknowledging that what you said lacked intelligence. I don't believe the same thing can be said regarding my statements.

    It wasn't the Almighty that helped them "with their wish". It was Jesus' enemy who did that.

    Never mind, you're just playing games anyway. I won't bother to answer any more of your posts about this.

    There ya' go again...speaking thru the wrong end of your digestive tract.

    I DO believe "lack of intelligence" can be said of your posts, especially since you say things that defy even YOUR attempts to explain them. For instance, the now infamous feeble, far-fetched attempt of yours to explain away Lot's incestous relationship with his daughters!

    You dreamed up a way to show HOW, God could continue to bless and use as a loyal servant...a man who BROKE God's own clear laws about incest (he should have been stoned to death). But, that would have been embarrassing and damaging to the credibility of God' inspired word, wouldn't it?

    So YOU said, Lot did not have actual sex with his daughters while he was drunk. No...! You said the daughters snuck in while God's True Loyal Servant ? was passed-out-stone-drunk...and get this everybody ---------------> Schisms said, the daughters "did not have sex" with Lot. They simply "borrowed his sperm and rubbed it on their you-know-whats". Those are HIS words !

    If that is NOT a lack of intelligence...I don't know what would qualify ! Some people will go to extraordinary lengths to TRY and logically explain things written in the Bible...even tho' it is utter non-sense !

    So, Schisms, explain again just how Lots daughters became pregnant !?

    Or let everyone watch you run away from your OWN words for the 50th time. It's obvious you HAVE no answer to your own rantings.

    Fluffy Bunny Wabbit

  • Schizm

    I copied the following comment from another board:

    The star led the men [Magi] to Herod in Jerusalem. Then Herod was greatly agitated, and planned to find a way to do away with Jesus. (Mathew 2:3) Then Jehovah's angel warned the men in a dream NOT to go back to Jerusalem. (Verse 12) Joseph was also given a dream of warning so he and Mary, and the child fled to Egypt. The star led the astrologers to Herod as Satan wanted Herod to kill Jesus. Herod had all the baby boys under the age of 2 slaughtered. Obviously he belonged to Satan.


  • Schizm
    It is indeed sad to see people argue that the "star" was caused by God--most of whom cherish the practice of Christmas. The fact is that this so-called "Star of Bethlehem" is an important symbol of the Christmas celebration. Most who celebrate this holiday don't like hearing about anything that puts their yearly holiday in a negative light.

    I couldn't agree more!


  • Sunchild
    That's the REAL truth behind the "Star of Bethlehem"!!! But does anyone care?

    Erm no offense, but... are you serious?


  • Schizm
    That's the REAL truth behind the "Star of Bethlehem"!!! But does anyone care?

    Erm no offense, but... are you serious?


    Having visited this board for a long time now, I already knew the answer to my question Rochelle. I did want to give people here a chance to surprise me though. *LOL*

    BTW, whatever happened to that website that you used to have?


  • Sunchild
    Having visited this board for a long time now, I already knew the answer to my question Rochelle. I did want to give people here a chance to surprise me though. *LOL*

    I see. Did you get what you were hoping for?

    It's been quite awhile since I've been to this message board, so I'm afraid I don't remember all the personalities. I couldn't recall what sorts of things you wrote or why you wrote them, and I'm sorry for having such a bad memory. Or were you once someone else, but you're going by a different name?

    BTW, whatever happened to that website that you used to have?

    Heh, I've had several, actually, but the one I have right now will likely remain constant in its content if not its appearance:

    It's taken me awhile, but I think I've found my spiritual niche, and I'm on my way to finding my place as a human being. The site above catalogs my journey and the things I've picked up along the way.


  • Satanus
    That so-called "risk" that you refer to cost the lives of a number of innocent young boys (2 years of age and under), and it was even foretold. Thus, YOU would have the Almighty being guilty of being the cause of the death of all those young boys--all for the sake of helping a group of Magi fulfil "their desire to see jesus".

    In other words, if god was responsible for the star, then you suggest that he would also have been responsible for herod's killing of those kids. Correct?


  • Schizm
    That so-called "risk" that you refer to cost the lives of a number of innocent young boys (2 years of age and under), and it was even foretold. Thus, YOU would have the Almighty being guilty of being the cause of the death of all those young boys--all for the sake of helping a group of Magi fulfil "their desire to see jesus".

    In other words, if god was responsible for the star, then you suggest that he would also have been responsible for herod's killing of those kids. Correct?


    I don't think there's any "if" about it. To assume that God was responsible for the star is ridiculous. Satan being the one responsible for the star made him responsible for the death of all those kids, because they wouldn't have died had the Magi not been brought into contact with Herod.


  • Sirona

    It is Christmas day. Please remember to be respectful to each other, or I will lock this thread.


  • Sunchild
    I don't think there's any "if" about it. To assume that God was responsible for the star is ridiculous. Satan being the one responsible for the star made him responsible for the death of all those kids, because they wouldn't have died had the Magi not been brought into contact with Herod.

    But... isn't Herod the one who made the choice to kill those children? And how do you know that he wouldn't have done something similar anyway, with or without the star? And if you follow your own line of reasoning far back enough, wouldn't that make God responsible for all the world's evil since He created the angel who became Satan in the first place?

    Personally, I think it's silly to point at everything in the world as being part of a Satanic plot, and it seems a bit far-reaching to try and link the choice some evil human made with Satan's Elaborate (and I do mean elaborate) Scheme. That kind of thinking tends to make a person paranoid, and it also removes the element of personal responsibility.

    Anyway, I have to get ready to go visit my parents. Merry Everything, one and all. *g*


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