I Love It When The Words Are Wrong..

by Englishman 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Little Red Hen
    Little Red Hen

    And don't forget the ever popular 'prostrate' cancer or 'axe' as in axe yer ma if you can go to the show.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    "Be more polite when you axe our President questions." Eeeeek!!!

    Idear for idea. The "nukular" one makes me see red fiery mushrooms in my eyelids.

    Of course, I used to think the word "chaos" was pronounced "Chay-ohs" .... when I was 8. Hehhehe. Unfortunately, I said it that way while commenting at the meeting.


  • Swan
    Another lady was bragging to my brother about how smart her relative was, she said he had a photogenic memory.

    One old JW woman told me when I was younger and had a sharper memory, "You must have a photogenic mind."

    I notice there are many people online that mispell the word clothes, as in "I need to go cloths shopping." Oh well, at least they don't talk about going to a white sale to buy some new wash clothes and towels.

    But my biggest pet peeve of all is the month of February. It is pronounced feb-roo-air-ee, but somehow most people leave out the first R.


  • Fleur

    these are hilarious! I especially enjoyed this:

    Thanks to my mom, I can laugh about 'public' hair!

    my grandma called it that and it cracked me up LOL. My pet peeve word besides "supposably" (non-word!) is "irregardless". NOT a word, people! It's regardless...regardless of how you use it LOL.

  • AlmostAtheist

    In a seriously country-hick congregation I attended, it was not at all uncommon for people on the Theo. School to be counseled on "Pronunciation" which was invariable mispronounced as "pronounce-ee-ation". One very old, very well educated older retiree used to sit and giggle away to herself...


  • coffee_black

    Expecially for especially... Excetera for etcetera...There is no x in either word...drives me nuts!

    I read an article years ago that combined many of the mistakes that kids make when saluting the flag...

    " I led the pigeons to the flag

    of the United States of America,

    And to the republic for Richard Stands,

    one naked individual

    with liberty and Justin for all."..


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    my mom used to say POO-berty instead of Pew-berty when saying Puberty.

    It was annoying enough for her to talk about it, but if you can't freakin' pronounce it, just say adolescence. jeesh!

  • bebu

    One misuse which makes me laugh --but which I won't correct when the issue is serious!--

    Nauseous vs. nauseated. People often use nauseous when they mean nauseated. Nauseous means

    Definition:[adj] causing or able to cause nausea; "a nauseating smell"; "nauseous offal"; "a sickening stench"

    Nauseous means the same as nauseating; they mean causing sickness. And these are opposed to the word nauseated, which means being sickened.


  • Euphemism
    Swan wrote:
    But my biggest pet peeve of all is the month of February. It is pronounced feb-roo-air-ee, but somehow most people leave out the first R.

    FWIW, Merriam-Webster's does list the r-less pronunciation as valid.

  • liquidsky

    Oh Man! My boss drives me crazy when he talks!!! These are things I hear daily.....

    "Please clean your deskes (desks)."

    "We need to order 2000 lineal feet of popular (poplar) moldings."

    "I have an ldeal!" (idea)

    "Karen, are you finished with your material listes?" (list)

    "I had to left (let) someone go today."

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