fell away.......wanna come back...please help.

by Tiggerchick1012 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • formerout


    Why do you think we will not hear from her again?


  • sandy

    I agree with elsewhere. I think she thought that she stepped into an actual jw room.

  • Sunchild

    Just in case you do come back, Tiggerchick, here's my .02, the actual value of which may be adjusted for inflation. *g*

    More recently,...probably since my son was born I am feeling very depressed and just high strung. I want to go back to the meetings and become a full time witness again.

    I'm inclined to agree with those who have suggested that post-partum depression may be a factor. You may want to look up information on the topic and/or make an appointment to see a therapist. But I can't help feeling that there's something else going on, too. You said you want the promise of the New System for your son, but do you really believe in it? That the Witnesses own the only road to a fulfilling life and/or a bright spiritual future? Or are you just afraid not to believe it?

    Take care,


  • BrendaCloutier

    {{{{{ Tigger }}}}}

    Welcome and congradulations on the birth of your son.

    I want the promise of the new system for my son.

    Everyone has basically said what I was thinking when I read your post, including post-partum syndrome. A very real issue! Wacko hormones, and everything else.

    Hon, I was raised a JW, my dad an elder, baptized at 14, and I was 18 in 1975. Armageddon didn't come. It still hasn't. The "promise" of this "new system" for your son is no different than teaching him about Santa Claus, The Tooth Faeiry, or that some Hobbits saved Middle Earth. Actually, it can cause far more harm in a child's life because of the false prophesies involved (Deut 18: 20-22). I've witnessed my family and close friends waste their time wasting away waiting for the New System and failing to enjoy their life and their dreams today. The reality is Today is all we have. It is all we've been given. A saying I love is "when you have one foot in yesterday and one foot in tomorrow, you are pissing on today".

    Tigger, if you chose to go back, please do so as an informed choice, not because of faeiry tale dreams.

    I wish you the best.


  • BrendaCloutier

    I tend to agree with EW. It is the feeling in her subject line.


  • Tiggerchick1012

    you are right. i actually thought i was stepping into a real JW discussion room. Oh well. My own fault. Interesting thoughts you guys all have. DOnt know what to say to them. I have so many thoughts as to what is real, what isnt real and so forth. I guess Im just gonna have to figure this one out on my own .

  • Fleur

    Tiggerchick, you're always welcome here. Hope you'll take the other posts to heart.

    I was raised in "The Truth". I chose to leave in my 20's not only for my own sake, but the sake of my child, too. She has a mind of her own now, and is growing up free from the restraint of fear and guilt. You know, guilt is a terrible motivator. Jesus didn't use guilt to motivate his disciples. To me, faith should enhance your life and be about making you happier and stronger. Please think about that before you decide what is really best for you, your marriage, and your child's future.

    My child has two things that my JW parent's couldn't give me: choices, and unconditional love. Those, I wouldn't trade for the blessing of any man-made organization.

    Wishing you health and happiness,



  • Celia

    Tiggerchick, Yes, that's a decision you alone can make. But visit this forum from time to time and read. Many heart-wrenching true stories on this board, great, caring people from all over the world, terrific advice for those who are ready to listen....

    Peace, hugs....

  • Gretchen956

    Tigger, you are not alone. So many of us go back in our twenties when we have children. I did myself. My son was less than a year old and I wanted some sort of spiritual life for him, and the JWs were all that I knew since I was a third generation witness. I hate to say this, but sometimes you almost have to go back to really begin to see some of the BS that goes on. I can tell you my eyes were opened. I did not have this board or anyone else, just intelligence, curiousity, and a real need for answers which were not forthcoming at the KH.

    If you do go back I pray that your eyes and your heart will be open to see the real truth. Remember when studying they used to tell you to question everything to see if you have the real truth? Take them up on that!

    Blessed be,


  • cyber-sista

    Tigger chick,

    Welcome...Your subject is one very close to my heart

    One of the reasons I became a JW was on account on suffering from post partum depression (please look into this as a factor in what could be influencing your emotions.) My daughter had just been born and I was overly anxious over her well being and many other things too (majorly postpartum). Some JWs came to my door and I started to study with them. One of their hook like was "you want to do what is best for your baby don't you? (and then telling me that all who were not JW would die at the big A). Of course I wanted the best for my child. Likewise the JW religion fed the rest of my paranoias at the time.

    The years went by and my non-believing hubby and I raised her to the best of our ability and she grew up to be a really great person ,but not a JW. Long story but in the end I had to leave before this Organization destroyed my loving family. I know too many JWs who no longer have their children (they did not become JWs or were Dfd). I beg you to investigate this organization. I am glad I got out with my family intact. Give your kids the best--your unconditional love. All the best to you,


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