Baby Girl

by teejay 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    I was enjoying a rousing conversation with a funny, sexy lady. Then tragedy struck. My cell phone started acting up.

    "Find a pay phone, Honey!"

    "Right away!!"

    I was making my way to a land line when all of a sudden I recalled an appointment I nearly forgot about. I checked the time. 1:04. I was supposed to be somewhere four minutes ago. If I hurry, I can probably make it. It was a pretty important appointment, so I figured I'd rush to make what part of it I could and then reconnect with my friend later. That really was my plan.

    A workmate who has two boys badly wanted a girl. Sheila, 38, had her prayers answered, and sometime in mid-October a baby girl was born. Except there were problems -- heart problems -- problems so severe that during the pregnancy the doctors even suggested that she seriously consider aborting. Sheila would have none of it. This child would live.

    Two days after birth, heart surgery was performed. Success! A while later, Baby was allowed to go home where improvement was seen. One by one, she was removed from the many machines that accompanied her home. Until about a week ago.

    Sheila went in to feed her newborn. In hindsight it appeared to many that the Child was waiting for her, for it was then, right then while Mother held her, that The Child breathed her last. Mother threw a lifeline and did her best trying to resuscitate her dying daughter. A caring emergency crew was summoned and the ambulance came speedily. Mother and child were medi-flighted to the best hospital in the region. To no avail. She was gone.

    With nary a cloud in the sky, Friday, December 17, 2004 was clear and crisp in my little town. A steady wind blew out of the west and swept the crowd of solemn folks dressed in black as they silently eyed each other through teary eyes. Amidst a cemetery of headstones graced with children's toys and showing lives marked in days and months instead of years; with epitaphs like "I Pray The Lord My Soul To Take", the loathsome coffin, barely two feet long, sat draped in beautiful flowers. I hated the sight of it.

    So... how was *your* Friday?

    p.s. Sorry, A, that I didn't get back with you. Talk to you soon.

  • Bryan

    So tragic.

    My Friday was much different.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Country_Woman

    that is tragic.

    My Friday is'nt worth mentioning: having a heavy cold combined with bronchitis - I stayed most of the time in bed with my laptop.

  • bigboi

    Well the holidya season for me has sucked pretty much. Reading sobering experiences such as this really helps me to put the petty trifes I've had to endure in perspective. I'm sorry to hear about such a young, precious life lost too soon. Please give my condolences to your friend, Teej. Holla.

  • waiting

    Hey tj,

    sorry for all that sadness.......and no way around it - just get through it.

    take care.


  • AGuest

    May you have peace... and comfort... you and your dear friend... at this time.

    I am not going to "bore" you with trite comments about God not being responsible and seeing loved ones again; just know that even my Lord understood the harsh "sting" of death, so that he, too, grieved deeply at the loss of loved ones.

    Again, peace to you.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Beachbender

    wow, this brings a tear to my eyes as a mother myself, I couldn`t begin

    to imagine losing a child, there truly could not be a greater loss.

    Peace be with you and your friend, I`ll say a prayer.

  • happyout


    So sorry that your day ended with such sadness, and my sympathies to the poor mother and her baby.

    No one would hold it against you for not calling back, and besides, phones haven't stopped working, so call again when you can.

    Much love,

    Happyout - sending TJ a big hug (((( ))))

    PS I hardly ever log on during weekends, I'm glad I saw this now.

  • StinkyPantz

    ((TJ & Friend))

  • Evesapple

    I'm so very sorry.....that poor mother, I can't imagine losing my babies....I think that has got to be the worse kind of loss. Prayers and hugs to you and your friend.


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