What Are Things That Make You Feel Uncomfortable???

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maverick

    Boogers, specialy little round, red ones!

    Actually, being in a group of phony people, knowing they are phony, and believing I might have to live forever with them. Mav

  • frenchbabyface

    bad faith ! definitaly ... (it doesn't make me feel incomfortable it f*king bothers me ! in any situation)

  • czarofmischief

    When there is a crime in the neighborhood. Nervous nervous nervous.

    Also when people assume about my beliefs from my appearance. When my hair was long a lady was bugging me about getting active regarding global warming. And then i finally shouted that there was no concrete evidence for the notion and she got really pissy.


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    When my brother and I go to the movies and there is a sex scene.

    Ditto for when my nasty aunt insists on watching the late night dirty lifetime movies with me so that I think she's cool. Also, watching her eat.

  • Elsewhere

    A crowd where there is no "personal space".

    I don't think I could survive in a Middle Eastern country.

  • minimus

    I don't like people literally in my face, just about on top of me. Give me some space. No hovering, please.

  • troucul

    how about when you're in an elevator, and you have to fart, and you have to let it go, and you have five more floors to go, and there's 4 other strangers in there giving everyone else dirty looks, and you know you're the culprit?

    I get uncomfortable when I do that

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    well, currently, readin some of this stuff... i never have bad dreams. but last night lo and behold, i had one all right... in it, my sister (the jw), her daughter, son-in-law, husband and her daughter's husband's parents (in-laws?) came to my house and took my son's computer out of the room "for cleaning" they said. of course i got pissed off and told them to put it back immediately, then my sister came in smiling that weird fake smile like she does, her eyes all a'gleam and said sit down here and rest ... she directed me to a little corner beside a file cabinet and so i was nonplussed somewhat wondering where my son went all of a sudden and in trots the overseer's wife on her chubby little legs and she marches right up to the file cabinet and proceeds to open the drawer and it grazes the side of my face and i can't move from the corner 'cause i'm trapped and she's rifling through all these folders and she pulls out something with my son's name on it and i said hey what are you doing with that he was never a witness and she just gives me a dirty look and trots back out and then my sister comes over, smiling and smiling and i said where's ---- (my son) and she says oh he's ok honey don't worry and i go nooo 'cause i see him in the truck window, they're driving him away and i try to get up and my sister is sitting in my lap now so i can't get up, still smiling saying it's ok baby don't worry...

    well then i got up and went and peeked in his room he was peacefully slumbering and then i went in the living room, plugged in the christmas tree and looked at it for a long time, then watched "that thing you do" on the satellite. anyway that's what makes me uncomfortable at this moment in time. and i see that they still are in my head. hmm this is gonna be harder than i thought...

  • Dan-O
    how about when you're in an elevator, and you have to fart, and you have to let it go, and you have five more floors to go

    What about when you're in the elevator by yourself & you think it's safe to rip one off ... but then the elevator stops at the next floor and people get in just as the stench is rising to nostril level?

  • DanTheMan

    I flip through the channels a lot and for some reason I always stay on the religious channel for a few seconds before I flip to the next one. I don't know why I do that, because a lot of times it's showing John Hagee or Benny Hinn or some other fundy nutjob whose very existence makes me squirm.

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