What Are Things That Make You Feel Uncomfortable???

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • ohiocowboy

    When someone asks too many questions...

  • minimus

    I can understand why someone could stare at a woman's chest but I'm talking about that far away blank look.

  • missy04

    For some odd reason, eatting with anyone other than my family and very close friends. If I have to sit around a table with people I don't know all that well and eat a meal, I just about come out of my skin. I avoid it at all costs.

    I also get very very nervous when people give me things for some reason. And I can't stand awkward silences. Sometimes compliments make me nervous.. OK well actually alot of things make me uncomfortable

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Brooke took my answer

    Actually, watching a movie or TV show and seeing a character do something embarassing makes me want to cover my eyes and hide under a rock. Some reality shows where a guy is on a date and is making an ass of himself, or maybe a singing audition and the person has NO singing ability; I just squirm in my seat until I'm on the floor

  • SheilaM

    Not much makes me uncomfortable....Hmmmm Maybe when someone is blatanly disrespectful to a Proffessor and they just take it. I love the ones that don't LOL

  • Carmel

    nail beds


    blackberry vines


    pencils w/o erasers

    unsalted peanuts


    unpitted cherries

    other stuff

  • professor

    I have 3 toddlers running around my house, so, it's usually strewn with toys and crumbs. I hate it when relatives find it necessary to barge in, usually, it seems, when the mess has reached it's climax!

  • PinTail

    Yeah me too, just say to them real strong "what do you want" you corn ball.


  • Aude_Sapere

    A lumpy matress

    High humidity

    And when people at work make comments or jokes about Jehovah's Witnesses. (No one there knows that I was a jw for 25 years.) I still take it personally. My little (ha!) secret.

  • Swan

    Questions! These ceaseless questions! Every day more questions!

    Just kidding Min. Keep em coming.


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