Education - How encouraging low self esteem creates better witnesses.

by BigG 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FairMind

    Walter, you are dead-on with regard to the WTS saying its’ OK to get an education but not really meaning it. Praise continues to be given to those who sacrifice education and career to pioneer. Recently a sister in my congregation gave a student talk in which she demonized education by saying “Hitler had a college education and look how he turned out”. I have no respect for the self righteous-ignorant.


  • M.J.

    I once visited a Chinese-based Christian church in Seattle and it was so cool. No collection plate and afterward everyone in the congregation got together and shared a big luncheon, full of traditional Chinese home cooking. ANYWAY, I got to talking to many of them over lunch and out of perhaps 10-12 adults I got to know, every last one of the adults had a pretty tough-sounding college degree. They were wonderful people, and very well-adjusted. I related this experience once to my JW wife and she started getting all defensive like I was insinuating something.

  • avishai

    What, like the dubs are the least educated large religion in the US? That's not insinuation, it's a fact.

  • what_Truth?

    Yes, I can give two examples: The first is of a brother that finished first in his Sr High School. He was offered a full scholarship to Waterloo University, the most prestigious university in Canada. He saw it as the temptation of Satan and declined. 20 years later he was a mail man. Another was of a ministerial servant who was secretly taking a part time college course in Sociology. Part of the course discussed how Hitler was able to convice the rest of Germanyto go along with the Final Solution. The techniques he used seemed awful similar to things that the Jehovah's witnesses were doing to keep their own followers in line. He explained his thoughts to a close JW friend asking him "Do you ever think that we might be involved in a cult?" His friend refused to speak to him ever again. That was when he realised it was time to leave the org.

  • Scully

    what_Truth? writes:

    a ministerial servant who was secretly taking a part time college course in Sociology. Part of the course discussed how Hitler was able to convice the rest of Germanyto go along with the Final Solution. The techniques he used seemed awful similar to things that the Jehovah's witnesses were doing to keep their own followers in line. He explained his thoughts to a close JW friend asking him "Do you ever think that we might be involved in a cult?" His friend refused to speak to him ever again. That was when he realised it was time to leave the org.

    Oddly enough, it was watching a Social Psychology course that was offered via Carleton University's ITV program as it dealt with group dynamics and coercion techniques - the Professor also referred to how Hitler's regime was able to lull the German people into following him - that make things "click" for me regarding the JWs.

    This illustrates why education is SO important in helping everyone avoid becoming ensnared by cults and other unscrupulous groups/people.

    Love, Scully

  • iiz2cool
    Walter....I'm I have to research or can you quote book and verse.


    1 Cor. 1:27

    but God chose the foolish things of the world, that he might put the wise men to shame; ...

    Believe it or not, the last few years I was a JW this was the only scripture that I felt could apply to the organization.


  • Midget-Sasquatch

    "Anyone who knows history, particularly the history of Europe, will, I think, recognize that the domination of education or of government by any one particular religious faith is never a happy arrangement for the people." ----- Eleanor Roosevelt.

    I completely agree with you.

    Any organization that survives on slave labour will try to regulate the level of critical thinking among their drones and the information they're exposed to.

  • Panda

    Education was definitely a resounding "you're right get out." Once I had the university library to research in I was in hog heaven. Then I went to study in a country with NO jw's, no KH's, NO meetings... It was great just to study and relate to a new (to me) culture. When I returned my "dear" friend brought another sister over to ask me about my relationship with Jeh. As the disscussion wore on I realized this "friend" was on a witch hunt. The questions went like this:

    How did I deal with keeping up with the literature? ans: I didn't there wasn't any.

    How did I keep my integrity? ans: what do you mean? sister: well how did you maintain Jeh's principles w/o the org.? ans: Your kidding right?

    And on it went. This sister has recently left the borg and we're in touch again. But she still "believes" many of the bible "truths" she learned as a borg. It'll take time but I'm so happy to have her back.

  • anuva

    Oh yes you cannot be more correct about that .

    to lure innocent minds into being a 'meek' when instead in reality they are made follower to WT and closing dooors of information .

    so true

  • upside/down

    I get so "pissed" just thinking about this. I went to a private catholic high-school on the west coast. My parents couldn't afford it so I earned an academic scholarship to high school! I received a full scholarship to the college of my choice and was accepted to the Air Force Academy. I worked my ass off to get this, with aspirations of being a fighter pilot. I started studying... nuff said. The man who studied with me was a Vietnam vet ex-Marine Corp medic. The PO in the hall I went to was a retired Marine Corp Lt. Col. with many veterans in our hall. I was very impressed.

    Needless to say I "left everything" to follow Christ- I thought I was doing the right thing. Then I run up against these arrogant, self-centered, on and on bastards that have the nerve to tell me that I need to work on "humility". Alway a quality that you can't refute without "proving them right". I swallowed this crap for almost 20 years and now I can't hardly find a job that will hire me( oh I'm "smart" enough I just don't have the "education") They say just trust in Jehovah! Not one of them has shown as much "trust" in Jehovah as I have. I left all my family, friends and prospects to serve where the need was great for 12 years- many of these clowns were still in the same congo when I returned broke, beaten down and without a pot to pee in. Albeit they were richer (by Jehovah's blessing of course).Then I find out that th PC bro's are quietly sending their kids out to "college" of course to support their future Pioneering- bullshit. So I guess only those who are pioneers have the right to aneducation, the rest of us dumbsh*ts have to be janitors (yes I was one- but apparently I still wan't humble enough) How the hell can you not be humble when you have your hand in a toilet cleaning someone elses doodie off the porcelain? My blood is starting to boil... They don't practice what they preach, but instead rely upon gullible zealous naive persons like me to do their dirty work for them. Talk about feeling used... I never even got a "thankyou".

    Well all I can say is that my children will not be fodder for the Dub's cannon. Man this pisses me off- think I'll go down some Paxil with a Black Russian (maybe 2). You really struck a nerve with me.... I'll shut up


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