2004 Service Report - Analysis and trends for 2005

by truthseeker 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Here's information, by comparison, of the top ten HDI countries. Only Ireland is experiencing real growth. For these developed nations, the growth, or non-growth of the Witnesses is not keeping up with the population.

    Also, notice the dramatic difference in GDP compared to the growing countries above. I predict leaner times ahead for the WTS.

    Country HDI Rank Population Av Pub % Incr Pop.Growth AdjustIncr. GDP per cap
    Norway 1 4,582,600 9,638 0% 0.41% -0.4% 36,600
    Sweden 2 8,997,335 22,178 -1% 0.18% -1.2% 26,050
    Australia 3 20,061,774 60,533 0% 0.90% -0.9% 28,260
    Canada 4 31,793,904 108,012 0% 0.92% -0.9% 29,480
    Netherlands 5 16,280,801 29,632 0% 0.57% -0.6% 29,100
    Belgium 6 10,396,421 23,909 0% 0.16% -0.2% 27,570
    Iceland 7 290,570 278 -1% 0.97% -2.0% 29,750
    United States 8 288,903,351 992,809 0% 0.92% -0.9% 35,750
    Japan 9 126,824,166 217,097 0% 0.08% -0.1% 26,940
    Ireland 10 5,746,428 4,757 2% 1.16% 0.8% 36,360
    TOTAL 1,468,843

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