Need wedding inspiration...ideas, anyone?

by maybesbabies 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Maybe you wanna take your soon to be ball & chain along w/someone to photograph you two in the respective spots you are looking at for the wedding . Then you can look at some of the photos and see which environment compliments you the most. Either that or just elope to Vegas and make Elvis do it.


    District Overbeer

  • Billygoat

    I second the comment on making the day YOURS. Make it as nice as you possibly can within your budget. AND MAKE A BUDGET! It's very easy to get carried away with minor details. You'd be surprised at how quickly costs can add up. More than anything, remember that when you boil all the details away...the ONLY thing that matters about your wedding day is both of you showing up. I've had two weddings. My first: the big giant Catholic ceremony, church bells, big dress, TONS of food and bookoo moolah out the wazoo. (We were still paying for it during our divorce two years later.) My second: fairly quiet and small, intimate with close friends and family and nothing more than cake and punch. The second time around I decided to focus on marriage details instead of wedding details. It's made a huge difference. Mozz and I are still on our honeymoon over two years later.

    Best of luck!


    PS: Check out You can join a discussion board with other brides in your area and get some great ideas!

  • JustTickledPink

    Check out

    They have tons of stuff on their site.

    Also consider a colored dress, white is boring in my opinion I chose a gold/copper organza and it shimmered in the sunlight, we got married outside and it was gorgeous. I hate to admit it but I bought my dress without even seeing it or trying it on from Ebay. I know it was ridiculous but I knew the dress was perfect and they have terrific bargains on Ebay. I sewed all the other dresses myself and saved a bunch of money.

    As for a woodsy theme I keep thinking Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio from Robinhood where she marries Kevin Costner and has a wreath of twigs and flowers in her hair, she was gorgeous. Watch that movie, 100% in the woods!!!

  • maybesbabies

    Thanks for the info, all, keep it coming!

    I hope to do this all for around $300.00, but I'm also getting help from friends and family, who have generously offered to help me make decorations, food, etc.


    this is my second marriage as well. The first time I got married, we slapped it together in a couple of days. We'd been together three years at that point, and it almost lasted another three. This time, I want it to be special. It FEELS more special, if that makes any sense! I want to have some beauty and inspiration around us, but I know the most important part is looking my darling in the eyes and promising my self to him forever (and vicey versey for him!)

  • frenchbabyface

    Cool ... best of luck Maybesbabies !!!

  • redhotchilipepper

    Hey girl your name is very unique and pretty? Do you mind my asking where you are from? It sounds very exotic? I'm guessing East Indian? Eastern? Very nifty? I loved the dress that Xena showed you. Youser's, I know that would look hot on you! It's just a feeling that I have. My wedding dress was simple but sexy. High cut slit up the thigh. Staight cut. It was kind of a celtic/ old world look. I wore a cloak. I still love the dress today. I wore it on our cruise too. It was cream. The only embroidery was a little on the front and sleeves. The dress, I think is the funnest part. Mine only cost me $300.00 Cdn. You don't have to spend a fortune to have a beautiful wedding. Then you still have a down payment for a house. That was our thinking! I'm so excited for you. Sorry I'm a girly, girl, sometimes. Gush, gush!

  • redhotchilipepper

    Billygoat: I'm so happy for you guys! That's terrible, still paying for the wedding and getting a divorce. I'm glad to hear you found a keeper this time around! RHCP

  • maybesbabies
    Hey girl your name is very unique and pretty? Do you mind my asking where you are from?

    Actually, I grew up in SoCal, and I'm white as white can be!!! I think it was my mother who picked the name, not sure, but I definitely got one of the unique ones!!! Also, I married into the last name Lively, and just kept it when I divorced. So, Tamar Lively, nee' Tamar Waddington. And now, soon to be Tamar Leary. English, English, Irish, lol!!!

  • Xandria


    You know mom always had unique names for us. Especially when she ran all of our names together to call us.


  • redhotchilipepper

    Tamar Lively! I like that! Are you a lively one like Me!!! LMAO! RHCP! Don't invite me to your wedding girl cause we'll get too lively! Dancing our faces off or is the tushies! Tee hee

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