How old do you feel

by Scorpion 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Golly Gee,

    If the Australians, Norwegians, English, Canadians, Mexicans, etc., want to know how old they are by the events which happened in their respective nations -

    Why not go to your respective history books and get together a history? Then, if others can find it on the web, or in a book, it can be put over here?

    Like already mentioned, it would seem to be safe to assume that the person who gathered this information was an american - thus insinuating that americans can joke about how old they are/feel.

    I usually feel 75, told I look the same or 35 (depending on the stupidity of the telling person or my makeup) - but am in reality 50. Guess I'll settle for that.

    Hey BugEye

    Looking forward to your thread on history of Australia to see how old Australians feel they are.

    Then we can take potshots at your country, eh? Then when the Canadians do the same - we both can do the same to them. Then when the Norwegians do the same ------well, you can see the results.

    We used to have an Austrian guy on here - perhaps he can put a pole up for his country - and then be the Answerer.

    It was just something to pass the time, and chuckle.


  • Princess

    It's amazing to me how a fun little age test can turn into another way to bash the americans. I find I'm spending less and less time here. It won't be long before I'm gone. I was hoping to find people who were actually nice to each other.

    I was happy to see I am younger than Cindy Crawford by more than three years, then I saw Wendy is younger by more than eight! Oh well, I still feel great at 31.


  • expatbrit

    Oh dear, do come along now Americanos....

    Please don't get all huffy and sensitive on us. There is a difference between jocular piss-taking and serious anti-American prejudice. Americans happen to be the flavour of the moment on this thread. Next week it'll be Australians or English or whoever.

    The trouble with a discussion board is that you can't see the tongues in the cheeks. Speaking as a non-American, I can say that I like the vast majority of Americans I've met. That's why I take the piss out of them, fully expecting and anticipating the favour to be returned. You have no idea of the abuse I take every time an Austin Powers movie comes out, for instance. But it's funny.

    So please take these comments in the spirit with which they are intended. And please feel free to respond in kind (although if you make fun of my using foppish English words like "jocular" I'll kick your ass).


  • waiting

    Oh, expat,

    I think you live with your tongue in cheek. But you're right, Americans do seem to be the flavor of the week around here.

    I didn't get the impression that BugEye had his tongue in his cheek, however. Perhaps I missed something?

    Of course, if one had enough money to go to America, one wouldn't go. Oscar Wilde

    Just so that you know that Americans are the best "put downers" of America - when they want to be.

    No matter how great your triumphs or how tragic your defeats remember that approximately one billion Chinese people couldn't care less. Abraham Lazlo

    Keeping things in perspective, and all that.



  • safe4kids

    Expat and BugEye,

    I thought your comments were humorous and did not take them the wrong way and Bugsy, actually I thought you made a good point about the results including mostly Americans. I didn't get the impression that you were knocking it, just pointing it out. I come at things from an American perspective, quite naturally, and sometimes forget that there are other viewpoints besides my own. (Of course, we all recognize that they're not nearly as VALID as American viewpoints!! )


    Oh dear, do come along now Americanos....

    Please don't get all huffy and sensitive on us. There is a difference between jocular piss-taking and serious anti-American prejudice.

    I quite agree with you and often enjoy your witty sarcastic sense of humor. After all, if we can't take it, we shouldn't dish it out, eh??

    My impression was that BugEye was merely making an observation, not being negative or taking 'potshots' in his first post. Then Scorpion made a somewhat derogatory comment regarding his education and after that, BugEye's replies were directed to him, not Americans in general. And I have to wonder how much Australian history Scorpion is familiar with? I for one know next to nothing about Australia beyond Paul Hogan and the Crocodile Dundee movies...perhaps I should be hitting the world history books too eh?? But this can only degenerate into a pissing match if people want to go there....I appreciated your humor in the quotes you made show that there are Americans who don't have to take themselves so seriously. (I however am not one of them and, contrary to what I've said herein, I am mightily offended and will never post here again!! )

    Luv to all,

    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • expatbrit


    Very good stuff. Please note however, that "Australian history" is an oxymoron.


  • safe4kids



    I love equal opportunity slams!!


    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • BugEye


    Hey!!! We resemble that remark

    <---- Trying to remember the name of his own country's prime minister


  • Scorpion


    When I replied to Bugeye about searching the web or (some) brushing up on their history, I was not being derogatory. I at times see phrases or words or people's names attached with events that I am not familiar with, so I sometimes take the time to look them up or find what they mean or who the person is.

    This topic was meant for fun, but with so many topics on this forum, it has started to turn to shit.

  • waiting

    hey scorpion - not necessarily!

    We just took a tad left instead of going right - most forgiveable, don't you think?

    In Scotland we have a verdict "not proven." That means "not guilty, but don't do it again." Andrew Brodie

    We can apply that here, at least to me, eh? We promise not to take this thread with any seriousness whatsoever!


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