The Worst Watchtower I've Ever Read

by MungoBaobab 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman

    As Nathan Knorr told Barbara Grizzuti Harrison when she told him she was leaving Bethyl:

    "You were the Valedictorian, right?"


    "No, but you were smart. It's always the smart ones who leave."

  • shamus
    I started going to the meeting and made some friends, but was never invited over to socialize with the "brothers". Only recieved one phone call from the "brothers" in the 2 years I had been there. Then a caught the flu and was off work for 2 weeks and of course missed the meetings. Not one JW came to check on me, called to see why I was missing the meetings, or came to see how I was doing. The funny part is my co-workers and landlady both came to check on me and offered any help I needed.

    That's a typical story. I have some too, but I'm done typing them out. They did me a favour showing me they're 'christian' love.

    I got a giggle out of the wedding story. You see, I only went to one wedding at a kingdumb hall... thank god! I was the one that told my friends to rent a hall, and have the ceremony at a nice place... not at a 70's shitshack. Every one of them, EVERY ONE did not have they're weddings there... there were a few that I did not attend that went on there, but like I say, I only attended one.

    The wedding ceremony... the rings,,,, LOLOL! I haven't heard that one, but nothing suprises me about this rediculous group of nutcases. They should have a brain check at the door.

    What got me out? When I looked at all they're teachings and nothing made sense.

  • confusedjw
    When I said yes, she said she thought I just needed to continue to study until I agreed.




  • Dansk
    I guess the one thing the turn the lightbulb on for me was when I was at a witness friends wedding. The elder giving the wedding talk said how the wedding rings had pagan backgrounds, but that JW's didn't recognize them like that. I thought "Wait a minute here!!". The main reason witnesses don't celebrate Christams, Halloween, Easter, and other holidays is because they say they have pagan origns. Then when a "worldly" person says that they don't recognize the pagan background and just like the family togetherness of the holiday, the witnesses say that's no excuse. The holidays still have pagan origins and are not right for Christians to celebrate. After that I really started looking at things in a different light. I started seeing things that really bothered me. Like not voting. They won't support their goverment, but they will take all the support the goverment will hand out.

    EXCELLENT POINT!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Gill

    Bloody impressive that wedding ring story! Well done!

    I shall be filing that away in the little grey cells for furthur and future use.

  • Hecklerboy

    More wedding information I found on the net. This is good stuff.

    Wedding Cake Traditions: The wedding cake was originally lots of little wheat cakes that were broken over the bride's head to bestow good luck and fertility. The three-tier wedding cake is based on the unusual shape of the spire of Saint Bride's Church in . The bride and groom make the first cut of the wedding cake to signify sharing their life together. Every guest then eats at least a crumb of the cake to ensure good luck. And if a single woman sleeps with a piece of wedding cake under her pillow, she will dream of her future husband. What does the single man do?

    Engagement Ring Origins: In 860 A.D., Pope Nicholas I decreed that an engagement ring become a required statement of nuptial intent. He insisted the engagement rings be made of gold to signify financial sacrifice on the part of the prospective husband. The tradition of the diamond engagement ring comes from the 15th century Venetians. Because the diamond is the hardest and most enduring substance in nature it was believed the engagement and marriage would last forever.

    Bridesmaids: Inviting women to be members of your bridal party dates back to ancient times. One Roman custom was to dress the bridesmaids in a fashion similiar to the bride's to confuse evil spirits trying to kidnap the bride. Bridesmaids also had the role of fending off unsuitable suitors, leaving the bride for her groom. Although the specific functions of being a bridesmaid have changed over time, being the brides support system, confident, defender and friend hasn't. And neither has wearing the ugly dress!

    VEILS: Traditionally, brides have been thought to be particularly vulnerable to evil spirits and many of the customs and traditions associated with weddings are to provide protection. The veil was originally worn by Roman brides. It was thought that it would disguise the bride and therefore outwit malevolent spirits. The veil became popular in in the eighteen hundreds. In this country it is associated with modesty and chastity. In some Eastern ceremonies the bride is veiled and the groom is not allowed to see the bride's face until after the wedding ceremony. In some Jewish weddings there is a ritual where the groom ensures that the bride is his intended before placing the veil over her face.

    Bridesmaids Beware! Bridesmaids evolved from the belief that the Bride should be surrounded by other richly dressed women in order to confuse any evil spirits that were lurking nearby thereby leaving the Bride unharmed.

  • Pole
    I remember sitting there alone, listening to the boring dribble coming from the stage and I said to myself. "That's it". And I just got up and left in the middle of the assembly. Never went back to a meeting again.


  • eyeslice

    No not the worst - they are still getting even worse!

    Take a look at the article on Xmas in the current Watchtower. See the loaded language and lack of any substance. An article on is the 144,00 of Revelation a literal number had no reason or logic behind it either. The theology is worn out.


  • DanTheMan

    Interesting thread.

    It was the "Help for Arthritis Sufferers" Awake! from the fall of 2001 that just about made me weep, it was so bad, filled with some of the dumbest WT-style pictures I had seen yet.

    After that they started going straight to the trash without even being taken out of the wrapper.

  • mkr32208

    Sorry in advance for the rant just had another fight with my JW wife...

    I remember thinking that none of the stuff they were saying made since. They would say one thing and then five seconds later the exact oppisite. It made me crazy it's the same sort of logic and reasoning that many new docu-drama political movies are using. They would also just straight lie and make crap up! It was unreal, some loser dickweed comes in to the trufe and becomes a celebrity by making up stories about how "bad" he was in the world! Why? Because it reinforces the LIES that they teach about worldly people! They would love to get a pedophile crack head axe murderer to get up on stage and relate in gory detail his crimes and how becoming a dubba had changed him (they want pedophiles they shouldn't have to look too hard!)

    The last assembly that I went to had an "experince" that just DROVE me up the wall (and out the door) with this kind of logic and lies. The guy gets up there and is talking about what a great pioneer he was now and then what an a$$hole he was while he was worldly (typical jw crap) then he starts talking about all the sacrifice he made to become a witless... He said he had a boat and a big house and on and on while working as a cook at Dennys (sp) and the speaker asked how you can do that while making minimum wage and he said he was a massive drug dealer... Wait a second he was a massive drug dealer who ruled the southeast with an iron fist and his cover for IRS reasons was COOKING AT DENNYS? I mean come on I know the IRS can be a bit slow but you covered up a mulitmillion dollar drug cartel by working at DENNYS!? Who screens this $hit!!! All the witlesses are ooohhhing and awwwing of course like the good sheep they are... Meanwhile I'm watching the HUGE POLICE FORCE at least 50 cops in one section that is guarding the contingent of 20 "brothers" that are there from prison... They are laughing their a$$es off and shaking their heads I'm thinking whats up there is no statue of limitations on drug dealing and murder and all the other crap this guy is confessing too why don't you go arrest his stupid a$$ he's confessing in front of 8500 witnesses! It's laughable he wasnt' a drug dealer and if he was he sold dime bags out the kitchen door... and I just started laughing too it was so silly this guy told the bros he was a big bad somebody and they completely bought it he was a celebrity loser... this logic just defies logic...

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