It's time to slingshot Santa again.....

by TresHappy 18 Replies latest social humour

  • Elsewhere
    I guess Tim Allen would have to put the ol' suit on again....


  • Angharad


  • Country_Woman

    I give up 180 at the most.....

  • Elsewhere
    I give up 180 at the most.....

    Don't give up! Try letting the catapult go as far down as possible. Better to err on the side of pulling it down too far than not far enough.

  • shamus

    I love the music!

  • ohiocowboy

    350.4, about even with the reindeer. I will be up all night now trying to get better....

  • Leolaia

    You know, I wonder if 350.4 is the upper limit? I've gotten that twice, and no higher.

    Anyway, this is what I've figured must not begin descending the catapult until the nose of the catapult reaches the second peak of the second iceberg (if you begin descending by the third peak, Santa will fall into the crevase), and then descend it all the way until the ball on Santa's hat just about reaches the ground. If the ball touches the ground, you've gone too far. Thus, when you release, Santa should go high enough to be out of view at his zenith except for the tip of his foot. If that is the case, you will get at least 330. If his WHOLE foot is visible, you will get only 310. And if more is visible, less than that. But it seems that to get 350 you should begin descending at the second peak of the second iceberg and release just before the ball on Santa's hat touches the ground....

  • Leolaia

    BTW, if you begin descending the catapult when the nose reaches the third peak of the second iceberg, Santa will fall into the crevase (releasing just before the ball on his hat reaches the ground), but if you begin descending in between the second and third peaks, when you release Santa will often spin rotating in place over the's pretty funny....

    I just got another 350.4. This happened the same way, and when Santa flies in the air, he disappears completely before coming back down.

    Edit: Okay, I got another one again. You gotta lower the catapult rather fast at the guidepoints I mentioned to reach 350. If it descends slower, Santa goes only as far as 334 points.

  • ohiocowboy

    Yep, it appears that the Highest it will go is 350.4. It would be cool if Santa could be catapulted onto the reindeer, and then the reindeer take off, insted of having the goofy look on his face. Cute game though...

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