Reverse Shunning

by redskymedic 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • redskymedic

    I'm thinking of telling my mother I can't talk to her anymore sine I don't agree with how she is conducting her life. Not that it would phase her in the least, but I am downright tired of her condescending attitude. She sees my 12-yr old son a few weekends a month and seems to make a point to have me go out of my way for the exchange. I also have a 6 month old daughter that she likes to visit . . . hmm, maybe I should call her a bad influence and tell her to stay away unless she comes to her senses.

    Occasionally, I'll meet up with her and my JW aunt (they work together) with both kids in the car. My aunt will come over to check out my baby but completely pretend that I'm not even there. Next time I'm going to flat out tell her that we no longer 'associate' with JW's and she's not allowed to even so much as peek at my daughter. These people make me nuts. Oh, to keep my sanity around the insane.


  • garybuss

    The reason we are shunned and snubbed and played with is we allow it. If a Witness shuns or snubs me once they are out of my life forever. The LAST person I would give access to my kids is a Witness. I did that and two of my sons became Witnesses and shunned me.

    I agree totally with giving them notice and then keep them away. GaryB

  • Balsam

    I agree with Garybuss and you. If they are going to shun you in your childrens presence, then they should have no access to your children. And Gary made a good point, it could lead to your kids growing up and becoming JW's. And you don't want that.

    I am sure my sons in the future may have to deal with that when they have children. Both have said if their Dad and his new wife (both JW's) want to see the kids but won't welcome them then they won't be allowed to see them. It is my son's choice. The shunning is a cruel and hateful action. Don't let them do this to you. Shun them back. Explaine to them exactly why you are going to do it and let them sweat it out.


  • JustTickledPink

    I 100% agree and support your decision. I already made that decision if I ever have kids. I told my mother since she refuses to speak to me, attend our wedding, be part of my family, that it's her choice, that she's either IN or OUT of her relationship with me. If and when we have children, I told her that she has already made the choice to NOT be a part of my family and she will have no contact with them.

    My sister battles letting her see the kids, they live 3,000 miles away but once in a while visit and all she does is read to them out of the "Bible story" book and pray for their salvation. That isn't what going to Grandmas is supposed to be like.

    I am of the opinion that talking about Armeggedon and death and destruction is harmful, no way I'd subject my kids to that nonsense.

  • iiz2cool

    I don't have any kids, but if I did I certainly would not allow them to be in a position where they could see someone shun me and treat me with contempt. What kind of message would that be giving them?

  • defective light
    defective light

    I completely agree.....

    All shunee's should shun the shunners.....wait a minute is that right?

    anyway why not give them a dose of what they fear most.....

  • Emma

    I agree, as well.

    My mom kept wanting my youngest son to come and spend a few weeks with her in the summer. He is a gentle child, with childhood fears that would have made her "message" attractive. I would never have let him go, as much as she loved him. I remember theirs is conditional love and he was also subject to that.


  • simplesally

    It's rude to pay attention to your children and shun you right in front of them! I would not bother to be around them.

  • Dawn

    Hi Redsky:

    I've dealt with the same thing with my family (mom & brothers). My husband finally put his foot down - for which I'm glad because I was not yet at that point where I needed to be. He said my relationship with my family was up to me - but they were NOT allowed in our home if they would treat me that way because that also showed disrespect to him.

    My mom is coming around and speaks to me more. I haven't spoken to my brothers in years - good riddance! In the end - I'm satisfied that we have accomplished what is most important - teaching our children how important it is to love and protect themselves and their own families when they grow up.

  • garybuss

    A parent's job is to protect the children and the children's family. If I haven't learned that Witnessism is a threat to children and to the family, I haven't learned much from it all.

    The Witness's goal is to split up the family. That's how they can control the people. People, don't let them do it. Don't give them access. I gave them access and my family is divided.

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