I just found something...

by mrsjones5 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mrsjones5

    I was at the grocery today and on my way out I found a Watchtower tape, dated July 1, 2002. I took it. What should I do with it?

    Mrs Jones

  • Mecurious?

    Burn it!

  • confusedjw

    It was in the grocery store?

    Listen to it while watching the Wizard of Oz and see if it matches up.

  • candidlynuts

    play it backwards and listen to the subliminal satanic messages? hehe

    seriously.. what do you want to do with it? your options are to what? discard it, listen to it, mail it back to the kingdom hall, record over it?

  • missy04

    OR you could record something else over it and mail it back to the hall.....I don't know what..you could think of something funny though, I'm sure.

  • JustTickledPink

    For years after I left, I collected all the books and magazines that my mom still sent my way. I put them in a box or drawer, left them unread but unharmed. I felt like for some reason I couldn't throw them away, they contained bible scriptures... but finally years went by and I looked at the stuff and realized it was just watchtower stuff, and it was so liberating to THROW IT AWAY...

    Even now, if I happen across magazines, either in the store or waiting room, I grab them and dump them.

  • confusedjw

    Don't you recall what you were supposed to do with apostate material as soon as you find it?

  • what_Truth?

    What would happen if one of your so-called worldly associates found that tape in your possesion? Do you think they would understand that it was a remnant of your old life, or do you think they'd label you as a crazed cultist who is going to give them shit for celebrating Christmas? I've been out of the org for 10 years now and I still get people treating me like I'm a feeble minded dupe with fanatical and possibly dangerous beleifs. You need to get rid of that tape for the sake of your reputation and sanity.

  • mrsjones5
    What would happen if one of your so-called worldly associates found that tape in your possesion? Do you think they would understand that it was a remnant of your old life, or do you think they'd label you as a crazed cultist who is going to give them shit for celebrating Christmas? I've been out of the org for 10 years now and I still get people treating me like I'm a feeble minded dupe with fanatical and possibly dangerous beleifs. You need to get rid of that tape for the sake of your reputation and sanity.

    Hm for one you assume that any of my so-called worldly associates would be so rude as to snoop through what little stuff I have. I know no such rude people.

    Two I tell anyone who asked that I was associated with the jws as a child and not one has called me feeble minded for having that kind of association.

    Three It's so kind of you to worry about my reputation but I have discovered that reputations aren't ruined as easily on the outside of the bOrg as on the inside.

    Perhaps what problems you're having relating to "worldly" people are of your own making? I for one am not having those kinds of problems.

    Thank you for your response

    Mrs Jones

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Look through it. It's just a magazine. It might have some information you want. If not, then dispose of it in the garbage.


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