Depressed and about to lose it

by AloneinOh 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • lv4fer

    Don't get depressed. Your life is about to change. Or rather your mindset. Although it is rather unsettling to realize you don't have "THE TRUTH" It is OK. The simple truth is that Jesus died for you and all you have to do is accept him as your savior and he forgives you and accepts you as one of his own. That's it! It is a free gift. Get busy and read your bible, you will realize that they were wrong about a lot of things. It is an uneasy feeling at first, thinking you have all the answers and then realizing you have nothing but questions. It is an exciting journey. I am glad I took it, at first I was very upset and unsettled and mad. You will survive!

  • redskymedic

    I can totally relate to everything you just wrote. I have been away from 'The Truth' for 8 years or so now, the whole time thinking it was ME that had the problem, that I was just weak. I have been walking around with guilt on my shoulders for as long as I can remember. It is only within the last couple of months that I have come to the full realization that they are all wrong. It is devastating to realize that you have been deceived. It does get better, but I don't know that I will every truly 'forgive and forget'. Hang in there and know that you are not alone!


  • logansrun

    Well, after 20 years out of the JWs I'm glad you've started to use your noodle. Continue!


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