Santa will be short a reindeer this year....

by morty 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    As some of you are aware, it is hunting season right now where live.The hunters have pushed (ran the deer out of the bush's) every bush that there has to be had around here.In other word's ( for those who are not sure of what I mean) they walk all the bushes and woods to get the deer to come out to hunt and kill them. Killing the deer I have no problem with. It's when the deer almost kill me and my family I begin to have a problem.

    Last night at about 11.00pm I was taking home my son's girlfriend home. Dropped her off and was heading back home. Out of flippen no where, out run 3 deer. The first one got across the road, the second I swivered to miss him and the third one, I had no choice. That poor deer became part of my van and I totaled my van.Thank god my son and I are alive.We were not at the hospital to long as they did tend to us right away.I have dislocated my knee and have some whiplash but, it could have been much worse.My son is fine besides some brusing and a bit of whiplash as well.

    This is first time I have hit a deer and feel horrible about it.Now the fun part as started, fighting with the insurance company.They have brought me a rental van today( not that I can drive right now) but told me I had to pay a $500.00 deposit on my credit card.I am just so pissed about the whole thing as x-mas is coming and now, I am stuck in the flippen house and cannot do anything.........uurrggggggggggggggggg....

    just venting......thanks for listening to me...........

  • gespro

    Hi Mortons

    I'm sorry you had to go through all of that! I'm certainly glad you didn't get injured worse!

    I have too many road stories similar to yours. Best thing I could think to do is to rest and heal.

    take care


  • MungoBaobab

    Actually, hunting deer helps control the population, meaning fewer deer to run out in front of vehicles, but you don't want to hear it right now, do ya? You know what? I'll be quiet!

    Here's to a quick recovery.

  • missy04


    I am glad you are alright. I've heard of them coming through the windshield and people not walking away from the wrecks.

    My parents and I almost got in a bad wreck last yr that had to do with a deer..the truck in front of us hit one, and the deer went underneath somehow and knocked something out of the bottom of his truck which came flying toward our van and luckily my dad had very quick reflexes and swerved without going off the highway.

    I'm so glad you're could have been worse. So sorry to hear about your knee


  • Been there
    Been there

    (((((Morty & Son)))))

    Sorry that had to happen now, being Christmas. Maybe your son & his girlfriend will help you out. ALOT

  • under74

    Hi Mortons-

    I'm glad you and your son are okay. I hope you feel better soon. The insurance thing sucks, I'm sorry...

  • morty

    Thank-you for all your concerns and pms.I guess it could have been alot worse.

    Just really bumed about it all, thats all.


  • Country_Woman

    Morty, glad that were no more injuries - be careful with that wiphlash.

  • Valis

    morty! be careful out there! Where my kids live they have to have one of these attached to their car by law..


    District Overbeer

  • Preston

    I hope you get better soon. If you want some laughs rent the unintentionally funny "Long Kiss Goodnight" for its humor value as is the case in the scene when a kick ass Geena Davis kills a dear with her bare kiddin'

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