Santa will be short a reindeer this year....

by morty 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Morty..

    Sorry about your crash and the deer. Sometimes you have no choice when animals run in front of you.

    I have a girlfriend that has run into 2 in the last 2 months. Man what a mess.

    I've heard some people tell me, re insurance, and hitting a deer that if they ask you what happened it is better to say that the deer ran straight into you. For some reason the insurance agency doesn't like to hear that you ran into the deer. Depends on the Insurance agency I guess.

    $500 bucks out of your Christmas money has gotta hurt too. Take care of that knee and I hope you can get some wheels by Christmas. Can you shop on line and get some free deliveries to your house. It's still hard though when you can't get around, especially when you have kids that need to be carted around to hockey and such. Hope the insurance company pays for a replacement vehicle until you get another one.


    Special K

  • morty

    Gespro....Have you hit a deer as well? I am putting in my healing time watching need to be know what your trying to tell me...recovery has started..thank you for your concern...

    Missy....So glad that your family were not hurt as well...You have to be quick when dodgeing those flying

    Beenthere....My sons girlfriend is a doll....she has been here everyday since, getting what ever I needed..

    under74....I am so happy that my son was not injuryed to badly has well..thanks for your concern..

    County_women....Thank you for your kind words...Your gift to me, could have not come at a better time...I have been laying in bed listening to your wonderful cd you made me and licking all the chocolate off my fingers that you sent...God, it tastes so good...Your wonderful x-mas card is by my bed side as well....Thank you so much for your gift to me...You have a heart of gold my friend.....Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Country-Women, and again ment alot to me....

    Valis....I will get some of those things for sure for my next van....I have heard of those things before but thought they were just another gimmick to get your money...I am odering some right now...thanks for the info...

    Love Morty(a bigto you all)

  • Mulan

    How terrible. I would feel just as bad if it happened to me. Shoot, I hit a squirrel one day, and cried all the way home. My car wasn't totaled though.

    Feel better and get more chocolates.

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