Holy freakin crap, I finally got registered...

by Hecklerboy 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie
    I'm so creative

    Darn, we've got competition!

  • candidlynuts

    do you have a cute rich older brother..?

    SORRY! my birdbrain has a one track mind lmao

    welcome you creative thang you!

  • heathen

    heckler -- welcome to the board , just what we need some more knowledgeable WTBTS hecklers . I haven't read COC but will one of these days , some of the excerpts that have been on the board are very damaging to the cover ups of the cult . Feel free to comment on whatever you saw in the the book as I know many here have read it .

    valis-- I like the new avatar .

  • Sunspot

    Welcome Hecklerboy!

    We lived in WV for four years---I was in the Beckley congo. Nice to have you here!



  • Joyzabel
    I ride a Santa Cruz Heckler

    ahhh, got it.

    One of my sons is a bicycle mechanic. He has a cute montain bike thingie where his hitch goes. lol He participated in a 12 hour mountain bike event (yes here in Florida). It was a 12 mile loop through the woods and swamps of florida. Long grueling event. Went from 10 am to 10 pm But it was fun to watch, volunteer and encourage the riders.

    BTW, we have the Ironman in our town every year and the running part goes right down our street. Front row seats!! whoohoo


  • Hecklerboy

    BTW, we have the Ironman in our town every year and the running part goes right down our street. Front row seats!! whoohoo

    Yep, a friend of mine was in her first Ironman there this year. She finished in 15 hours and finished strong. She said other competitors were staggering across the finish line and went straight to the medical center. She just ran across and then walked around and talk to people. Wonder if the JW's were there "Heckling" the competitors, telling them they were going to die at Armegedon for being competitive

  • Golf

    Greetings. Sounds like you have a sense of humor, GOOD, its a plus for this board! Guest77

  • confusedjw

    Watch out for Valis

  • codeblue


    You have read some "mighty powerful books"...I have too.........

    Hope you enjoy this board...there are some kind people here.


  • Valis

    dam you cornfuzed! *LOL* Must you tell everyone I am a woof in cheap clothing?

    heathen, thanks, courtesy of the WTBTS..

    Heckler..isn't it nice to have the extra time for your physical interests? Just think of the difference calorie burn when it comes to door to door vs mountain biking..


    District Overbeer

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