The system of privileges in WTS - any thoughts on how it works?

by Pole 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    The "Diary of an Armegeddon Survivor" is interesting.

    It reminds me of a line from one of Robert Service's poems "The Wage Slave"

    - where he " .... didn't want to go to hellfire, like I' ve heard the Preacher say,"

    "but didn't want to go to Heaven - not with some of the Preachers I' ve met!"

    All your comments, though, give the lie to the Watchtower Society's line that all brothers who are "reaching out " for these privileges are doing so out of an altruistic motive - to "help the congregation."

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I wholeheartedly agree that for most, the privileges are filling a need for self-actualization. The Org has demonized all other non-cult sources that could provide this need. Effectively, all these people have left is this self serving Org. But I'd have to also say from my own personal experience that there's been a sharp decrease in willing dupes, vying for these positions.

  • Sunspot

    Such terrific replies to this!

    Funny, I remember that article from 1999 and princes, etc-----I actually think it was the last WT I studied (underlined), as I left in the summer of '99 and I sent my DA letter in Oct. Boy,I sure see it a lot different today!



  • el jarocho mayor
    el jarocho mayor

    How does the system of privleges works? Very simple, if your dad was an elder or ms, you got privleges and it didnt matter if you were baptised or not as long as you were a publisher.

  • Pole


    I wholeheartedly agree that for most, the privileges are filling a need for self-actualization. The Org has demonized all other non-cult sources that could provide this need.

    Right on! Some folks can only get privileges in the Org. I mean a carpenter doesn't get too many chances to address an audience of 80+ people for up to 45 minutes in his entire lifetime. The average elder can do it on a weekly basis from the KH podium.

    And those bright enough to make a worldly career are encouraged to harness their ambitions and focus on WTS-defined objectives: such as serving at bethel or Gilead.


    Good stuff. Having my local elders as New World Princes was my nightmare for a long time :)). BUt I never seriously thought of some other aspects of life in the New World as described in the "story" you posted.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The more a person kisses butt (figuratively speaking), the more privileges he/she will get. No doubt.


  • ChrisVance
    Would you agree with the statement that granting privileges is one of the most effective mind control techniques?

    Yes, I would. Combine this with the pressure of a large extended family of dubs and it's doubly effective. I come from such a family. Most of the adult males are elders. Several of the females are married to circuit overseers. If you're not an elder or at the very least a ministerial servant some of them just can't understand it. Most of the pressure is subtle but the last time I saw one of my cousins whose married to a circuit overseer she asked me, "What are you going to do with your life?" If you're not an elder (or an MS), your life is a waste.

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