what is the purpose of this site, anyway?

by xochsi 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus
  • little1

    I believe the aggressive attitude comment was meant for JLL, not you. You seem harmless.

    I, personally, came here to try to understand how an intelligent, funny, charming 57 year old man could allow a bunch of guys in cheap suits in Brooklyn, NY to destroy our relationship. Since I can't possibly swallow the WT dreck, I am therefore, an apostate. And although I loved him with all my heart, I was unacceptable. He lived a double life for a long time, but I got tired of being his dirty little secret, and so had to say goodbye. I came here for comfort and assurance that I had done the right thing, which I found, and also lots of new friends, interesting topics and much, much, useful information. So I stick around.

    Welcome aboard and I hope you find the same. It's a nice group of people here, for the most part.


  • Brummie
    And although I loved him with all my heart, I was unacceptable. He lived a double life for a long time, but I got tired of being his dirty little secret, and so had to say goodbye

    Little1, that is so sad, but I am glad you got out of that though I guess that doesnt help. (((hugs))).

    BTW, the person who started this thread is not genuine, none of what he shared in the opening post or other posts are true, he made it up just for "a joke" as he calls it.

  • little1

    Who would do such a dumb thing? And why? Too many people have too much time on their hands...

    Thanks, Brummie, I know I did the right thing, but I still wish he'd get out of the org. He needs it too much though, sad...he was my favorite dance partner.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Brummie! You're such a spoil sport!

    Actually I think it's a shame that someone would play upon the genuine emotions of others. Only to make the rest of us even more skeptical when a newbie who needs genuine support joins.

    ApagaLaLuz of the, 'where did my sense of humor go, cause I'm not laughing,' class

  • minimus

    I picked up on it immediately.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Well Yeah Mini, I'd expect YOU of all people to pick up on it immediately. Unfortunately I'm not nearly as bright. And unfortunately also, not everyone else picked up on the "joke".

  • minimus

    Don't get offended by it...Geez.

  • hillary_step
    not sure what you mean by "aggressive attitude". Could you please explain what that means to a simple minded person like myself?

    Ask your ex wife.


  • minimus

    oh Hill!

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