what is the purpose of this site, anyway?

by xochsi 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Ummmm, it is a discussion board about anything related to the Jehovah's Witnesses.....everyone welcome. A similar question was asked only a scant week away.


  • JustTickledPink

    Well, since every single message board is about chatting and posting thoughts/feelings, or discussions on everything from cooking to dealing with diseases.. etc... it's about PEOPLE. If you happen to have been exposed to the JW faith, there is a lot to talk about. So the purpose I think in my brief week of being around is to allow people a place to come and vent, talk, and socialize while learning what other people's experiences and thoughts are.

  • Preston

    To hook up.Don't be shocked guys, everyone here knows I speak the truth.

    ...BTW, Blondie's literary critiques of the Watchtower are also informative.

  • redhotchilipepper

    To meet others with common experiences in life, to heal, to make friends, have fun. LAUGH!!!!

  • candidlynuts

    i thought i was here to meet my prince charming sugar daddy!!!

    well the conversation is nice anyway :P

  • Markfromcali

    To explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations...

  • JLL

    I was wondering what it's for too. All the answers you got seem fake or excuses for just wanting to talk negatively about the JW Christian religion for no reason other than trying to make themselves feel better. You know like when you're in high school, some kids make fun of the other kids because of being insecure about themselves. It's obvious and almost humorous yet sad. Gotta feel sorry for people like that.

  • shamus

    I see where you can get that feeling from. After all, it takes no effort to criticize.

    Unfortunately for Jehovahs 'Christian' (pffft....) Witnesses, time tells all things. They're false doctrines from years past, that they 'forget' to talk about... they're misleading information that they spoon-feed nearly daily to it's victims, tells a lot about how 'Christian' they truly are.

    If you are a witness, just being here subjects you to disciplinary action, and probable extermination when armageddon comes 'soon' unless you confess your sin to your BOE.

    But don't take anyone's word for it. Don't take my word for it. Just reading a forum about people bitching and moaning about Jehovahs Witnesses should make up your mind .01%. The other 99.99% you need to find out for yourself, independently. I don't think one person has come to the conclusion that we all have here without some serious soul-searching and research.

    Why not check out watchtower quotes at:


  • undercover
    For witnesses and ex-witnesses to discuss the peculiarities, pitfalls and pleasures of being in a religion as unique as it is.
    It's a support group for xjws in the spirit of support groups for codependents
    Ummmm, it is a discussion board about anything related to the Jehovah's Witnesses.....everyone welcome.
    To meet others with common experiences in life, to heal, to make friends, have fun.

    Amongst some of the not-so-serious posts where those listed above. And then:

    All the answers you got seem fake or excuses for just wanting to talk negatively about the JW Christian religion for no reason other than trying to make themselves feel better. You know like when you're in high school, some kids make fun of the other kids because of being insecure about themselves. It's obvious and almost humorous yet sad. Gotta feel sorry for people like that.

    It's a support site for ex-JWs. What's so fake about that? And you will find no "excuses" from anyone here for having negative thoughts about the JW religion(I left out "christian" on purpose).

    Why are you here? To make fun of others who have chosen to free themselves from slavery to a man-made religon self-appointed to speak for God? Gotta feel sorry for people like that. Well, no not really. I feel sorry for some of them, but not those who come here looking for trouble. And if it's trouble you want here, by God, you'll find it.

    Oh, and by the way, welcome to the site.

  • minimus

    JLL speaks truth. The purpose is just to speak negatively on this site to expose the ridiculousness of the "JW Christian" religion.It's not hard to do if you want to look at facts not blind faith.

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